Taisez-vous is a Discord bot that removes duplicate links on a server. When a user posts a new link, the bot checks if the link has already been posted, and if so, it is removed.
To use Taisez-vous, add the following environment variables to your .env
file :
- TOKEN: Your Discord bot's token
- CLIENTID: Your Discord bot's client ID
- GUILDID: The ID of your Discord server
- SUPABASEURL: The URL of your Supabase project
- SUPABASEKEY: The API key of your Supabase project
- SERVER1: The ID of your Discord server
(server1 is the same of guildID, it's new name because this bot use multiple discord servers) - SERVER2...
or you can use config.json
if you want
Install packages with npm install
To start the bot, run the command npm start index.js
To deploy the slash commands, use the command node deploy-commands.js
Also supports docker, you can build the image with this command => docker build -t taisez-vous .
this bot uses slash commands here are the commands currently available :
- /user => user account informations
- /server => actual discord server informations
- /introduction => introduction video
- /whitelist => add link to the whitelist
- /deletewhitelist => delete custom links to the whitelist
- /excludechannel => add excludes channel
- /deleteexclude => delete custom excludes channel
- /donate => for support the bot author
- /contact => for contact the bot author
Taisez-vous uses the following dependencies :
discord.js : A library for interacting with the Discord API
supabase.js : A library for interacting with the Supabase API
Be sure to install these dependencies before using the bot.