Instant Search of Petitions provides a Google style "Instant Search" of the White House's We the People application using the v1 API and Twitter's typeahead.js library to make it easier to discover petitions. It also includes sentiment analysis from the We the entities API by @yoni and visualizations courtesy of @heyitsgarrett
The Instant Search of Petitions application is live at:
To report problems, ask questions, track enhancements, etc. please use Github issues.
Instant Search of Petitions is being developed as part of the National Day of Civic Hacking event at the White House. It leverages the We the People API to access petition data.
- Sentiment analysis by Yoni Ben-Meshulam
- Map visualization by Garrett Miller
To contribute, fork the application on Github and send Ivan Stegic a pull request.
Instant Search of Petitions is a jQuery application.
This software is distributed under the MIT License. For more information, see LICENSE