This app was created in research goals. How does this work?:
- Open webpage of this app
- Upload street with cars image
- Wait for result (see Demo section)
Kaggle research and used model (implemented SegNet architecture) training process: link
Client: HTML, CSS, JS
Server: Fastapi (Python 3.10), uvicorn
CNN for this task was trained with lack of data (train dataset ~2500 segmented images). The expirement was to improve segmentation result with some "tricks". Main feature:
Clone the project:
git clone
Switch to project directory:
cd CarDetectorApp
Create virtual enviroment and activate:
python -m venv .venv
. .venv\Scripts\activate
Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start uvicorn server:
uvicorn app.main:app
Check if it works: