Includes a rubbish web interface and functional telegram chatbots. Webhooks not working, this forces telegram mode only with long polling using quart and aiogram.
Major external libraries being used are: Aiogram, Quart. Also worth mentioning Matplotlib, NLTK, Pandas, ZODB.
Non exhaustive list of features:
- Send welcome message to users joining groups on telegram;
- Warns if unwanted user joins groups;
- Generates random numbers;
- Generates hashes from text;
- Archives links in the Wayback Machine;
- Watches groups for links and forward them to a link aggregator channel;
- Calculates pi and phi;
- Generates qr code from text;
- Splits videos in chunks of 15 seconds or another arbitrary timeframe;
- Converts text to speech and send as a telegram voice note;
- Downloads videos from youtube or other video sites;
- Generates ETH and BNB addresses, checks balances and transactions;
- Controls and interacts with Furhat Robots via Remote API;
- Generates statistics, graphics and natural processing using NLTK, Pandas, Matplotlib;
- Buffer messages using ZODB with FileStorage and telegram groups;
- Uses personalities to generate replies based on a character;
- As of v0.2, can be installed as package.
For details on previous releases and features included please refer to old repositories such as