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🚀 About What this project is??

This project is based on the real world Startup project for Asif Ikbal(E-solutions pvt. Ltd.)

Project Live Here:

Note: Website speed may be slower beacuse they are hosted on Free Tier...

🎨 Project features:


alt text

Admin Editor support:

alt text

DisquesIntrigration for comments:

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PostDetail view:

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🔧 Installation Setup:

  1. First and Foremost Clone/pull/download this repository.
  2. Install Virtualenv by pip install virtualenv
  3. Create a virtualenv with virtualenv env and install dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Activate virtual environment by source pathofvenv/scripts/activate for linux
  5. Then run python makemigrations
  6. after that run python migrate
  7. Last but not least run the server by python runserver

This project includes:

  1. Settings modules for deploying with Azure
  2. Django commands for renaming your project and creating a superuser
  3. A cli tool for setting environment variables for deployment