Do you like dogs? Here is a website that you can check on all types of breed. You can even choose to see some random images of any dog you like. Here, I made this website to practice and to learn using pug.
├─ .gitignore
├─ node_modules
├─ package-lock.json
├─ package.json
├─ screenshots
│ ├─ img-0.png
│ ├─ img-1.png
│ ├─ img-2.png
│ └─ img-3.png
├─ server.js
└─ views
├─ about.pug
├─ assets
│ └─ images
│ ├─ dog-0.png
│ ├─ dog-1.png
│ ├─ img-0.jpg
│ ├─ img-1.jpg
│ └─ img-2.jpg
├─ gallery.pug
├─ index.pug
├─ main.js
└─ style.css
- JavaScript
- Nodejs
- jQuery
- express
- Bootstrap
- Google Fonts
- Fontawesome
- Heroku
- pug
- Dog API
To clone this project to your device, type the code
below to your git bash:
git clone
Then, type the code to run the project:
cd gitDogEngine
npm install
It's being deployed on Heroku.
Make sure you have a Heroku account. If you have one:
- Create a new app and name it whatever you want as long as it is available, but leaving the input field for the App name empty is still fine because it will automatically generate one for you.
- Make sure that in your Settings tab, you have your
buildpack added. - Then in your Deploy tab, you can connect your Github and search for your repository. Click the Automatic Deploys button and then click the Deploy branch button below. The default branch is master.
Here is an available screenshot:
When the user clicks the dropdown, they will see all the listed types of breed.
Once they clicked the Generate Random Photo, 12 images will display.
Click this live preview to see this page.