Model, controller provider and service generator for lumen 5+ and angular 6+ from DB schema.
Use composer to install it in your lumen project.
composer require biliboobrian/lumen-angular-code-generator
Modify your bootstrap/app.php providers to add generators to Artisan.
You need a database connection setup in your project.
Build CRUD models and controllers with various commands (List of available commands will be updated with development progress):
bilibo:lumen:ctrl Generate CRUD controller for a table name.
bilibo:lumen:ctrls Generate CRUD controllers for all tables.
bilibo:lumen:model Generate Eloquent model according to table passed in argument.
bilibo:lumen:models Generate Eloquent models for all tables.
Default configuration is the following ( you can override them with -c option in command line to provide another config.php file):
'lumen_model_namespace' => 'App\Models',
'lumen_ctrl_namespace' => 'App\Http\Controllers',
'base_class_lumen_model_name' => \biliboobrian\lumenAngularCodeGenerator\Model\MicroServiceExtendModel::class,
'base_class_lumen_ctrl_name' => \biliboobrian\lumenAngularCodeGenerator\Controller\CrudExtendController::class,
'lumen_model_output_path' => app_path() . '/Models',
'lumen_ctrl_output_path' => app_path() . '/Http/Controllers',
'no_timestamps' => null,
'date_format' => null,
'connection' => null,
'add_route' => null,
'add_cache' => null,
Use command help for more infos
$ php artisan bilibo:lumen:ctrl -h
Generation of controllers and models extend lushdigital/microservice-crud.
By default all controllers provide a set of applicable routes what you can add to your routes/web.php:
//for full tables retrieve
$router->get( '/model', 'ModelController@index');
//for paginated tables retrieve
$router->get( '/model', 'ModelController@get');
$router->get( '/model/{id}/{relation}', 'ModelController@getRelationList');
$router->get( '/model/{id}', 'ModelController@show');
$router->post( '/model', 'ModelController@store');
$router->put( '/model/{id}', 'ModelController@update');
$router->delete('/model/{id}', 'ModelController@destroy');
You can add all routes to your web.php using -a option in the bilibo:lumen:ctrls command.