Based on
This leaderboard calculates scores by about 50% of the test data.
AUC score: 0.8874428893001793
Rank: #89
AUC score: 0.8867360110438458
Rank: #86
feature selection
GBDT: min_samples_leaf, max_depth ...
RF: min_samples_leaf, max_depth ...
AdaBoost(with LR/SVC)
用户在该课程的操作数量(按event_source序对统计),enrollment最后一周、倒数第二周、第一周、总体,占该用户在所有课程的比例,占该课程所有用户的比例 (108)
用户有行为的课程数量,用户行为的最后一周、倒数第二周、第一周、总体 (4)
课程的选课人数 (1)
trending slope of the weekly number of events within the enrollment (1)
numbers of events in the last week, the first week, and the week before the last week, and all weeks of the enrollment; ratio on all courses by user; ratio on all users by course (12)
average, standard deviation, maximal, minimal weekly numbers of events in the enrollment period (4)
coefficients b and c in the polynomial model y = a + bx + cx**2, where x is week number (all start from 0), and y is the weekly number of events (2)
7 counts of events in Monday to Sunday, by event-source pairs, and ratio on total counts (203)
24 counts of events in hour 0-23, by event-source pairs, and ratio on total counts (696)
7 counts of event types, and ratio on total counts (14)
2 counts of source types, and ratio on total counts (4)
number of 3-hour defined sessions in the enrollment (1)
average, standard deviation, maximal, minimal numbers of events in 3-hour defined sessions in the enrollment (4)
statistics of 3-hour defined sessions: mean, std, max, min of duration (4)
number of 1-hour defined sessions in the enrollment (1)
average, standard deviation, maximal, minimal numbers of events in 1-hour defined sessions in the enrollment (4)
statistics of 1-hour defined sessions: mean, std, max, min of duration (4)
number of 12-hour defined sessions in the enrollment (1)
average, standard deviation, maximal, minimal numbers of events in 12-hour defined sessions in the enrollment (4)
statistics of 12-hour defined sessions: mean, std, max, min of duration (4)
number of 1-day defined sessions in the enrollment (1)
average, standard deviation, maximal, minimal numbers of events in 1-day defined sessions in the enrollment (4)
statistics of 1-day defined sessions: mean, std, max, min of duration (4)
number of 7-day defined sessions in the enrollment (1)
average, standard deviation, maximal, minimal numbers of events in 7-day defined sessions in the enrollment (4)
statistics of 7-day defined sessions: mean, std, max, min of duration (4)
课程材料首次发布、最近发布距今几天 (2)
用户初次、上次操作此课程据今几天,持续几天,与课程持续时间的比例,初次访问课程材料距离开课时间几天 (5)
课程的所有用户操作课程持续时间的:平均值、标准差、最大值、最小值,以及与课程持续时间的比例 (8)
month (1-12) of the first, last event in the enrollment (2)
用户对课程材料的首次操作时间与课程材料发布时间的日期差的:平均值、标准差、最大值、最小值,enrollment最后一周、倒数第二周、第一周、总体 (16)
课程最后十天有操作的人数,与选课人数的比例: 课程有更新的最后十天、课程有操作的最后十天 (3)
用户平均每个课程Dropout的次数,在该课程中Dropout的次数,与平均每个课程Dropout次数的比例;总Dropout持续时长与课程持续时间的比例 (4)
用户在所有课程上Dropout总持续时长与课程持续时间的比例的:平均值、方差、最大值、最小值;有Dropout行为的课程占用户所选课程总数的比例 (5)