Releases: itplr-kosit/xrechnung-schematron
XRechnung Schematron 2.2.0 compatible with XRechnung 3.0.x
v2.2.0 on 2024-10-31
This release is compatible with XRechnung 3.0.x
- BR-DEX-01 in Extension CII
- Set assertion flag to "fatal" in adapted Peppol BIS Billing rules in CII
- version of Peppol BIS Billing updated to 3.0.17
- validity check on created Schematron rules to prevent missing assertion texts
- missing assertion texts in PEPPOL-EN16931-R040, PEPPOL-EN16931-R055, PEPPOL-EN16931-R120
- Directory generated/, containing test instances generated with XML Mutate, removed from distribution
The severity levels of the adapted Peppol BIS Billing rules in CII have been raised to "error". Please evaluate impact!
XRechnung Schematron 2.1.0 compatible with XRechnung 3.0.x
v2.1.0 on 2024-06-20
This release is compatible with XRechnung 3.0.x
- auxililary function to set non-existent optional elements to zero
- documentation of harmonization of XRechnung and Peppol BIS Billing
- slack function to handle rounding without decimal places in currency HUF
- refactored ant target
- inclusion of utilities namespace in transformation of Peppol BIS Billing to XRechnung rules
- PEPPOL-EN16931-R046 in CII to handle missing BT-147 "Item price discount"
Advance notification: severity levels of Peppol BIS Billing rules are currently set to "warning" per default in CII. They will be implemented as "error"/"fatal" with an upcoming release.
XRechnung Schematron 2.0.2 compatible with XRechnung 3.0.x
v2.0.2 on 2023-11-15
This release is compatible with XRechnung 3.0.x
- Test for BR-DE-18 with invalid reference to default interests ("VERZUG")
- BR-TMP-1 removed due to resolvement in CEN Schematron #349
- Removed BR-DE-18a from CII, because it is replaced by CII-SR-453
- Bug in PEPPOL-EN16931-R055 in CII - now valid without optional BT-110 "Invoice total VAT amount"
- Invalid code removed from CEF EAS codelist values in extension validation rules that override CEN rules
XRechnung Schematron 2.0.1 compatible with XRechnung 3.0.x
v2.0.1 on 2023-09-22
This release is compatible with XRechnung 3.0.x
- Bug in PEPPOL-EN16931-R053 in CII
- CII tests for PEPPOL-EN16931-R053
XRechnung Schematron 2.0.0 compatible with XRechnung 3.0.x
v2.0.0 on 2023-07-31
This release is compatible with XRechnung 3.0.x
- PEPPOL-EN16931-R001 Business process MUST be provided
- PEPPOL-EN16931-R005 VAT accounting currency code MUST be different from invoice currency code when provided
- PEPPOL-EN16931-R008 Document MUST not contain empty elements (disabled in CII for element ram:ApplicableHeaderTradeDelivery)
- PEPPOL-EN16931-R010 Buyer electronic address MUST be provided
- PEPPOL-EN16931-R020 Seller electronic address MUST be provided
- PEPPOL-EN16931-R040 Allowance/charge amount must equal base amount * percentage/100 if base amount and percentage exists
- PEPPOL-EN16931-R041 Allowance/charge base amount MUST be provided when allowance/charge percentage is provided
- PEPPOL-EN16931-R042 Allowance/charge percentage MUST be provided when allowance/charge base amount is provided
- PEPPOL-EN16931-R043 Allowance/charge ChargeIndicator value MUST equal 'true' or 'false'
- PEPPOL-EN16931-R044 Charge on price level is NOT allowed. Only value 'false' allowed
- PEPPOL-EN16931-R046 Item net price MUST equal (Gross price - Allowance amount) when gross price is provided
- PEPPOL-EN16931-R053 Only one tax total with tax subtotals MUST be provided
- PEPPOL-EN16931-R054 Only one tax total without tax subtotals MUST be provided when tax currency code is provided
- PEPPOL-EN16931-R055 Invoice total VAT amount and Invoice total VAT amount in accounting currency MUST have the same operational sign
- PEPPOL-EN16931-R061 Mandate reference MUST be provided for direct debit (Replaces BR-DE-29)
- PEPPOL-EN16931-R101 Element Document reference can only be used for Invoice line object
- PEPPOL-EN16931-R110 Start date of line period MUST be within invoice period
- PEPPOL-EN16931-R111 End date of line period MUST be within invoice period
- PEPPOL-EN16931-R120 Invoice line net amount MUST equal (Invoiced quantity * (Item net price/item price base quantity) + Sum of invoice line charge amount - sum of invoice line allowance amount (disabled in CII due to syntax binding ambiguities)
- PEPPOL-EN16931-R121 Base quantity MUST be a positive number above zero
- PEPPOL-EN16931-R130 Unit code of price base quantity MUST be same as invoiced quantity
- Unless otherwise indicated, all PEPPOL EN16931-XXX rules are switched to severity level "warning" in CII during introduction phase
- ISO 6523 ICD and CEF EAS codelist values in extension validation rules that override CEN rules contain newest codelist values.
- Schematron Rules
- temporary BR-TMP-1 to add warning on prohibited multiple BG-30 LINE VAT INFORMATION within BG-25 INVOICE LINE (see ConnectingEurope/eInvoicing-EN16931#349).
- Ant target
- Ant target
- Add xsl script for merging peppol bis billing rules into xrechnung rules
- BR-DE-16 adapted to CEN schematron: 'VAT' no longer permitted as BT-31 value
- "VERZUG" removed from BR-DE-18 SKONTO Regex
- removed reference to "Verzugszinsen" from Schematron and Test files
- removed BR-DE-29 (is replaced by PEPPOL-EN16931-R061)
- removed tests for BR-DE-29
- removed UBL CreditNote tests for BR-DEX-XXX rules
XRechnung Schematron 1.8.2 compatible with XRechnung 2.3.x
v1.8.2 on 2023-05-12
This release is compatible with XRechnung 2.3.x
- Schematron Rules
- BR-DEX-13 to validate maximum number of two allowed fraction digits in BT-DEX-002 ("Third party payment amount").
- BR-DEX-14 to validate currency of BT-DEX-002 is the same as "Invoice Currency Code" (BT-5).
- BR-DEX-15 to detect possible use of unsupported Sub Invoice Lines in CII.
- Tests
- for BR-DE-16 with VAT code "O"
- Schematron Rules
- merged ubl invoice and ubl creditnote rules
- References to Schematron files in mutator tests
- BR-DE-19 and BR-DE-20 IBAN validation is now more robust
- BR-DE-16 description now includes restriction to all tax codes except "O" (as implemented with XR version 2.0.1 / Schematron 1.5.0).
- Incorrect ChargeIndicator in BR-DE-16 tests with BT-95.
- Incorrect ChargeIndicator in BR-DE-16 tests with BT-102.
XRechnung Schematron 1.8.1 compatible with XRechnung 2.3.x
v1.8.1 on 2023-02-17
This release is compatible with XRechnung 2.3.x
- Validation of BR-DEX-10, BR-DEX-11 and BR-DEX-12 now restricted to extension
XRechnung Schematron 1.8.0 compatible with XRechnung 2.3.x
v1.8.0 on 2023-01-31
This release is compatible with XRechnung 2.3.x
- Schematron Rules
- Missing Rules BR-DE-29, BR-DE-30, BR-DE-31 for mandatory elements of BG-19.
- Rules BR-DEX-09, BR-DEX-10, BR-DEX-11, BR-DEX-12 for third party payment
- ISO 6523 ICD and CEF EAS codelist values in extension validation rules that override CEN rules contain newest codelist values
XRechnung Schematron 1.7.3 compatible with XRechnung 2.2.0
v1.7.3 on 2022-11-15
This release is compatible with XRechnung 2.2.0
- Schematron Rules
- BR-DE-21 in CII to allow for Extension specification identifier
- Removed superfluous duplicate unit test from ubl-inv-contact-tests.xml
- Changed some IDs to German IDs
XRechnung Schematron 1.7.2 compatible with XRechnung 2.2.0
v1.7.2 on 2022-05-31
This version is compatible with XRechnung 2.2.0
- Schematron Rules
- BR-DE-26 to UBL CreditNote to allow for "Corrected CreditNotes"
- Schematron Rules
- BR-DE-20, that testing is more robust, because type conversion is now explicitly to decimal and thus more compatible with xpath 1.0