- Server Repo here
This repo does not use standard repos, so use JitPack.
- First in your root build.gradle file add this:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
- finally in your dependencies add:
compile 'com.github.itjustworksteam:javaemergencyapi:0.0.4'
- get the json response
String response = new Emergency().sendRequest(new Numbers(Numbers.LATITUDE_LONGITUDE, "45.0", "9.0"));
// response is a Json String like this : {"name":"Italy", "code":"IT", "police":"113", "medical":"118", "fire":"115", "closestcity":"Voghera"}
- parse the json response
Country country = Country.parse(response); // response is the string before
assertEquals("Italy", country.name());
assertEquals("IT", country.code());
assertEquals("113", country.police());
assertEquals("118", country.medical());
assertEquals("115", country.fire());
assertEquals("Voghera", country.city());