Gerrit Vim plugin. PS: Bottom of the readme for how much work is done.
Why it exists. A great way to learn VIM scripting and building plugins.
This plugin is meant to do a few simple things as a part of its first draft:
Pull the list of your changes(reviews you own) from gerrit code review
Select a specific change and look at the latest patch set
Display a selected file in the patch set along with a quick fix window. The quick fix window will show all the abbreviated comments(140 chars) and selecting a comment will inline it with the file's contents with highlighting.
Later versions may allow one to see diffs and other things.
- Figure out new Oauthing stuff in gerrit. ATM you have to SSH Tunnel to access the REST API.
- Add a virtualenv from klen/pymode for requests package in the Venv.
- Organize the code a bit more