RMS - Medical & Hospital is a fully responsive and easily customizable template built with the Bootstrap 4+ framework, and the latest web technology HTML5, CSS3, MySQL, SQLite, and Python Django.
RMS - Medical & Hospital is compatible with all major browsers, iPads, iPhones, Tablets, Andriod mobiles, and all other mobile devices. We have both options Django Admin & Customize Admin for a complete backend.
- Doctors Management
- Patients Management
- Ambulances Management
- Appointments Management
- Doctor Schedule Management
- Departments Management
- Medicines Management
- Employees Management
- Articles Management
- Notifications Management
- Reports Management
- Settings
- jQuery
- Javascript
- Bootstrap 4
- Google Font
- Font Awesome
- Python
- Django Framework
- MySQL, SQLite
$ https://github.com/ithemecambo/hospital_management_system.git
$ cd hospital_management_system
$ virtualenv env
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python manage.py makemigrations
$ python manage.py migrate
$ python manage.py createsuperuser
$ python manage.py runserver # default port 8000
$ # Access the web app in the browser:
- Skype: kheang.senghort2
- Facebook: kheang senghort
- LinkedIn: kheang senghort
- Email: [email protected]