This is an Into the Breach mod loader extension by originally authored by Lemonymous @ Since ITB-Mod-Loader version 2.82 it has been integrated into the mod loader as an extension which can be either enabled stand-alone, or used as a dependency by a mod.
It intends to make it much easier for mod creators to do many things that were previously very difficult: The creation of new islands, tilesets, corporations, enemylists, etc. See the documentation for a full function list.
Mods can add Easy Edit as a dependency, which will ensure that Easy Edit will be enabled whenever your mod is enabled.
Example mod's init.lua
return {
id = "my_mod_id",
name = "My Mod Name",
version = "1.0.0",
dependencies = {
easyEdit = "2.0.0",
See here for details on how to use Easy Edit in the game.
See the wiki for documentation.
The code uses GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, which can be read in the file LICENCE provided.