Step 1: Clone the Repository To begin, clone the repository to your local machine using the following command:
git clone <url>
You can copy the repository URL from the interface:
Step 2: Task Structure
This sprint consists of several tasks. Unit tests for each task are located in separate branches named task1, task2, task3, and so forth.
To switch between branches, use the following command:
git checkout <branch name>
For example:
git checkout task1
Important: Ensure that you commit your changes before switching to another branch to avoid losing your progress.
Step 3: Implement the Solution
In the main directory, implement the required solution for the respective task. Once the implementation is complete, uncomment all the test cases located in the test directory.
Step 4: Run the Tests
Run the tests using one of the following commands:
mvn test
If Maven is not installed on your machine, use the wrapper script:
./mvnw test
Alternatively, you can execute the tests directly from your IDE using the Run command.