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Works similar as ngSubmit, but prevents submitting if form is invalid or empty.
<form name="registerForm" itc-submit="register()">
Displays popovers as a descriptions to the inputs. Shows on the focus event and disappears on blur.
<input itc-default-message="Enter your password">
Iterates through all inputs in form and displays validations messages. Inputs should have a name attribute, because Angular doesn't bind their to the scope.
<form name="registerForm" itc-validation-messages>
Default event is keyup, but you can change it to a focus by adding: itc-validation-messages-event="blur"
Default way to show messages is popover, but you can change it to a block under the input: itc-validation-message-type="block"
<form name="registerForm" itc-validation-messages itc-validation-messages-event="blur" itc-validation-message-type="block">
Default messages are taking from ValidationMessages constant list, but you can change it by adding to the selected input: error_key-message="Provide longer email" Where error_key is a name of error key from $error table.
<input type="email" minlength-message="Provide longer email">
- Add button to reset form in demo;
- Hide popovers i.a. when windows is resizing;