The purpose of this demo is to deepen my understanding of flexbox and explore the use case of using flexbox. Build mobile first design with responsive media query.
- flex-basis
- flex-grow
- flex-shrink
- flex-wrap
- flex-flow
Font-Family: 'Blinker' Bold, Regular
Font-Family: 'PT Sans Pro' Regular
Primary Color - #05CBE9 (cyan)
Background Color - #111D4A (dark blue)
Font Color - #9BA0B3 (gray)
- title - 28px (1.75em)
- body - 16px (1em)
- button - 20px (1.25)
- title - 36px (2.25em)
- body - 18px (1.125em)
- button - 20px (1.25)