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Ruby Maverick(MVC) is a light-weight MVC built in Ruby, inspired by Ruby on Rails.

  1. Clone Repo
  2. Create your database, models, controllers, and routes.
  3. Run $ bundle exec ruby app.rb in the app directory in order to run your server locally.


File Structure

  • Routes and App are created under /app
  • HTML/ERB Files are created under /views/controller_name/your_file_name.html.erb
  • Model Classes are created under /models/your_file_name.rb
  • Controllers are created under /controllers/your_file_name.rb
  • Database initializations are created under /lib/interACT/your_file_name.sql and /your_file_name.db

Database Connection

Creating Your Database

Using the DBConnection class, you can easily create a new database.

  • In lib/interACT create a new file create_my_database.sql, wherein you write SQL for your database.

  • In lib/interACT/db_connection.rb modify the constants and the appropriate filenames with your new files create_my_database.sql and create_my_database.db

  • ONLY use the DBConnection::reset method, if you want to reset your database.

ex. controller

Adding New Tables

You can call DBConnection.execute("SQL COMMANDS HERE") from the ruby console to add new columns to your database. Do NOT edit your create_my_database.sql, as this code will only be run once.

interACT Models

Using instances of our database rows, interACT joins our controllers and our database.

Creating a Model

  • Make sure you have an appropriate table in your database before you create a model.
  • Make a new class, that inherits from the SQLObject class.
  • Make sure to call finalize!, in order to define getter/setter methods for the column names!

ex. model


  • Defines the getter/setter methods for each column name
  • eg. If a cat has an age, owner_id, and color column, we can both change and access those column_names through our instance.


  • Returns array of column names

::table_name, ::table_name=(name)

  • By default the table name will be snake case, pluralized of the model class name. eg. class CuteCat's table name will be cute_cats'
  • If you want to alter your table name, you can use the table_name=(name) method.

::belongs_to(name, options)

  • Used to create many to one associations. eg.class Dogs < SQLObject belongs_to :owner creates the method #owner for the dog class.

  • By default the foreign_key will be name_id. eg. :owner_id, the primary_key will be :id and the Class Name will be name.camelcase, eg. Owner

  • If you want to customize these you can pass in an options hash of the form: belongs_to :owner, foreign_key: :person_id, primary_key: :id, class_name: :Person to overwrite these defaults

::has_many(name, options)

  • Used to create one to many associations. eg. class Owner < SQLObject has_many :dogs creates the method #dogs for the dog class

  • Defaults follow the same conventions as outlined above(#belongs_to).

::has_one_through(name, through_name, source_name)

  • Used to create one to many associations when the tables do not join directly. eg. Pet belongs to an owner, Owner belongs to a country, therefore Pet belongs to a country. class Pet <SQLObject has_one_through :country, :owner, :country


  • Returns all rows in the appropriate table as an array of SQLObjects.


  • Returns the first instance as a SQLObject.


  • Returns a hash of all the attributes associated with that instance.


  • Returns an array of each column name associated with that instance.


  • Persists changes of the model instance to the database.


  • Returns an array of SQLObjects, that match the given conditions.
  • eg. Cat.where(age: 2); returns all cats whose age is 2.


Ruby Maverick(MVC) routes receive an HTTP request and find the appropriate controller. Maverick(MVC) currently supports GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and PATCH requests.

  • Create a new Router Object. This object will be in charge of handling your routes.
  • Draw your routes with the HTTP method, regex object that will match the path, controller to send the request to, and the appropriate method within the controller

ex. router


Maverick(MVC) controllers are in charge of handling an appropriate HTTP request. All controllers must inherit from ControllerBase; as this will provide each controller with useful methods.

  • Create a Controller Class that inherits from ControllerBase
  • Create your appropriate controller methods (make sure you have appropriate routes for them!)

ex. controller


  • Protects website from CSRF attacks, using requiring an authenticity token in the form and a user's cookie. HIGHLY SUGGESTED


  • Generates a form authenticity token. You must use these in your form if you are using ::protect_from_forgery


  • Sends back a response, rendering the appropriate template found in the file tree at: ./views/#controller_name/template_name.html.erb
  • NB: If you don't call render in your controller method, it will automatically render ./views/#controller_name/method_name.html.erb


  • Redirects the requester to the url.


  • Access to parameters of the request, including the URL wildcards and the body of the request.

#session[key], #session[key]=

  • Ability to access and set the cookies of our user. Key may be a string or a symbol. Session objects are hash-like.

#flash[key], #flash[key]=

  • Sets/access a cookie that will persist for ONE response cycle. Flash objects are hash-like.[key],[key]

  • Sets a key value pair, that can be access during this response cycle.


  • Views must be in the file tree as follows: ./views/#controller_name/template_name.html.erb. This will allow your controller to find the appropriate view.
  • Views can support html, and ruby embedded in erb tags.

ex. views

Static Assets

  • Static assets(eg. .txt, .jpg, .zip, .pdf, etc.,) for use in your view must be in the file tree as follows: ./public/file_name.extension

Features To Be Added

  • ControllerBase#has_many_through association.
  • "Stackable" queries that do not get run until needed.
  • Model-level validations and a validator class
  • Includes and joins methods with prefetching.
  • link_to, button_to, and url helper methods for the views and controllers.


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