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YOLOv4 TensorFlow SavedModel


Forked from the repo by hunglc007.

This fork generates an easy to use YOLOv4 TensorFlow SavedModel that accepts any image size, works in batched and non-batched mode and returns person detections in a convenient tf.RaggedTensor.

Compile the aforementioned SavedModel as follows:

python --weights $weight_dir/yolov4.weights --output $output_path --input_size 416 --model yolov4

API Reference

Load the saved model as

import tensorflow as tf

model = tf.saved_model.load('path_to_model')



Performs person bounding box detection on an RGB image.

    image, threshold=0.1, nms_iou_threshold=0.65, flip_aug=False, bothflip_aug=False)


  • image: a uint8 Tensor of shape [H, W, 3] containing an RGB image.
  • threshold: a float32 value for thresholding detection scores (detections with lower score are discarded)
  • nms_iou_threshold: float value for use in intersection-over-union-based (IoU) non-max suppression (NMS). Too low values may result in false negatives when people are close to each other in the image, while too high values may result in duplicates (same person detected multiple times).
  • flip_aug: boolean specifying whether to run the image through the detector with horizontal flipping as well and aggregate the results (before the detector NMS step).
  • bothflip_aug: boolean specifying whether to run the image through the detector with horizontal and vertical flipping as well (so 3 augmentations) and aggregate the results (before the detector NMS step).

Return value:

boxes: [left, top, width, height, confidence] for each detection box. Shape is [num_detections, 5].


The batched (multiple input images) equivalent of predict_single_image. Performs person detection on a batch of RGB images.

    images, threshold=0.1, nms_iou_threshold=0.65, flip_aug=False, bothflip_aug=False)

Only the first argument is mandatory.

  • images: a batch of RGB images as a uint8 Tensor with shape [N, H, W, 3]
  • The remaining arguments have the same type and meaning as in predict_single_image (see above).

Return value:

boxes: [left, top, width, height, confidence] for each detection box. It is a tf.RaggedTensor with shape [N, None, 5] where the None stands for the ragged dimension (the image-specific number of detections).


  • Python 57.5%
  • Java 42.0%
  • Shell 0.5%