3rd Release of Semantic Highlighting
This represents an overall improvement in parsing when there is less whitespace between things
What’s new
Semantic Fixes:
- BUGFIX spin is not case-sensitive… adjust so highlighting is also not!
- Decision: not fixing: Does not handle the .label (local-scoped pasm labels) properly
- works well enough to highlight properly
Syntax Fixes:
- BUGFIX add missing
spin2 constants
Known Issues w/v0.3.2
- Spin: Badly handles single line { comment }: see’s names in them, no good
- Spin: Badly handles strings (should be ignoring contents of them)
- Spin: Badly handles marking multiple vars LHS of assignment
- Incorrectly colors built-in constants (should be own color)
- Fails to parse some debug() statements correctly
- Does NOT handle multi-line enum declarations
- Does NOT handle comma-delimited constant assignment
- Fails to properly identify location of shorter variable name when is found within longer name earler in line…
- Syntax highlight of DAT section sometimes fails… RES and FIT not colored correctly
- Semantic highlight: the ‘modification’ attribute is being over-applied
- Semantic highlight: the ‘modification’ attribute should use more than := as test!!!!
- I’m sure there are more issues…