2nd Release of Semantic Highlighting
What's new:
Theme: Entire theme moved to pastel-like colors, less shocking, closer to commercial quality
Spin2: Added Semantic Highlighting support for PASM
Semantic Fixes:
- BUGFIX recognize comma separated var declarations (names after first name)
- BUGFIX Repaired identification of constant assignment from constant of external object
- BUGFIX cleaned up couple of minor OUTLINE issues (false detections, missing comments)
- BUGFIX recognize range-value symbols in case statement (e.g., SEG_TOP..SEG_BOTTOM:)
- BUGFIX repair recognizer for assignment LHS: (eg.,
byte[pColor][2] := {value}
) - BUGFIX identify storage types in method's local variable list
- BUGFIX recognize method calls to indexed objects
- BUGFIX recognize data init from external constant in DAT section
- BUGFIX correctly highlight symbol when NOT(!) used:
- BUGFIX correctly highlight address var of:
byte[@msgPwm][3] := frameASCII
Syntax Fixes:
- BUGFIX add recognition of 'FILE' include operator in DAT sections
- BUGFIX repair decimal number recognition (was falsely including [+|-] prefix)
Known Issues w/v0.3.1
- Spin: Badly handles strings (should be ignoring contents of them)
- Incorrectly colors built-in constants (should be own color)
- Fails to parse some debug() statements correctly
- Does NOT handle multi-line enum declarations
- Does NOT handle comma-delimited constant assignment
- Fails to properly identify the location of shorter variable name when is found within longer name earlier in line...
- Syntax highlight of DAT section sometimes fails... RES and FIT not colored correctly
- I'm sure there are more issues...