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ironsheep committed Jul 11, 2023
1 parent 91322a4 commit e6df090
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Showing 3 changed files with 1,161 additions and 0 deletions.
295 changes: 295 additions & 0 deletions spin2/src/spin1.extension.utils.ts
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@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
"use strict";
// src/spin2.utils.ts
import * as vscode from "vscode";
import { Position } from "vscode";

export interface IPairs {
start: number;
end: number;

/** getGoConfig is declared as an exported const rather than a function, so it can be stubbbed in testing. */
export const getSpin2Config = (uri?: vscode.Uri) => {
return getConfig("spin2", uri);

function getConfig(section: string, uri?: vscode.Uri | null) {
if (!uri) {
if (vscode.window.activeTextEditor) {
uri = vscode.window.activeTextEditor.document.uri;
} else {
uri = null;
return vscode.workspace.getConfiguration(section, uri);

export interface IDefinitionInfo {
file?: string;
line: number;
column: number;
doc?: string;
declarationlines: string[];
parameters?: string[];
returns?: string[];
name?: string;
toolUsed: string;

export interface IDefinitionInput {
document: vscode.TextDocument;
position: vscode.Position;
word: string;
includeDocs: boolean;

export class ExtensionUtils {
private outputChannel: vscode.OutputChannel | undefined = undefined;
private bLogEnabled: boolean = false;

public constructor(isLogging: boolean, logHandle: vscode.OutputChannel | undefined) {
this.bLogEnabled = isLogging;
this.outputChannel = logHandle;
this._logMessage("* Global, Local, MethodScoped Token repo's ready");

// PUBLIC Methods
public adjustWordPosition(document: vscode.TextDocument, position: vscode.Position, isInBlockComment: boolean): [boolean, string, vscode.Position] {
let wordRange: vscode.Range | undefined = document.getWordRangeAtPosition(position);
const lineText = document.lineAt(position.line).text;
// do fixup for Spin2 pasm local labels
const P2_LABEL_PREFIX: string = ".";
if (wordRange?.start.character == 1 && lineText.charAt(0) == P2_LABEL_PREFIX) {
const newStart: vscode.Position = new Position(wordRange?.start.line, 0);
wordRange = new vscode.Range(newStart, wordRange.end);
const word = wordRange ? document.getText(wordRange) : "";

this._logMessage(`+ Hvr: adjustWordPosition() ENTRY wordRange=[${wordRange?.start.line}:${wordRange?.start.character}-${wordRange?.end.line}:${wordRange?.end.character}], word=[${word}]`);
// TODO: fix this for spin comments vs. // comments

const stringsFound: IPairs[] = this.getStringPairOffsets(lineText);
const ticVarsFound: IPairs[] = this.getPairOffsetsOfTicVarWraps(lineText);
//const stringsFound: IPairs[] = [];
let isPositionInComment: boolean = this.isPositionInComment(document, position, stringsFound);
if (!isPositionInComment) {
isPositionInComment = isInBlockComment;
this._logMessage(`+ Hvr: adjustWordPosition() (post-block): isPositionInComment=${isPositionInComment}`);
if (!wordRange || this.isPositionInString(document, position, stringsFound, ticVarsFound) || isPositionInComment || word.match(/^\d+.?\d+$/) || this.spinControlFlowKeywords.indexOf(word) > 0) {
this._logMessage(`+ Hvr: adjustWordPosition() EXIT false`);
return [false, null!, null!];
if (position.isEqual(wordRange.end) && position.isAfter(wordRange.start)) {
position = position.translate(0, -1);

this._logMessage(`+ Hvr: adjustWordPosition() EXIT true`);
return [true, word, position];

public isPositionInString(document: vscode.TextDocument, position: vscode.Position, stringsInLine: IPairs[], ticVarsInLine: IPairs[]): boolean {
let inStringStatus: boolean = false;
const lineText = document.lineAt(position.line).text;
let inTicVar: boolean = false;
if (ticVarsInLine.length > 0) {
for (let ticVarIdx = 0; ticVarIdx < ticVarsInLine.length; ticVarIdx++) {
const ticVarSpan = ticVarsInLine[ticVarIdx];
if (position.character >= ticVarSpan.start && position.character <= ticVarSpan.end) {
// char is within ticVar so not in string
inTicVar = true;
if (!inTicVar && stringsInLine.length > 0) {
for (let pairIdx = 0; pairIdx < stringsInLine.length; pairIdx++) {
const stringSpan = stringsInLine[pairIdx];
if (position.character >= stringSpan.start && position.character <= stringSpan.end) {
// char is within string so not in comment
inStringStatus = true;

//this._logMessage(`+ Hvr: isPositionInString() = EXIT w/${inStringStatus}`);
return inStringStatus;

public isPositionInComment(document: vscode.TextDocument, position: vscode.Position, stringsInLine: IPairs[]): boolean {
let inCommentStatus: boolean = false;
const lineTextUntrim = document.lineAt(position.line).text;
const lineText = lineTextUntrim.trim();
let inString: boolean = false;
// if entire line is comment
if (lineText.startsWith("'") || lineText.startsWith("{")) {
inCommentStatus = true;
} else {
// if text is within trailing comment
let trailingCommentStartSearchPos: number = 0;
if (stringsInLine.length > 0) {
// searfch for comment only past all strings
trailingCommentStartSearchPos = stringsInLine[stringsInLine.length - 1].end + 1;
let firstTickMatchLocn: number = lineText.indexOf("'", trailingCommentStartSearchPos);
let firstBraceMatchLocn: number = lineText.indexOf("{", trailingCommentStartSearchPos);
let firstMatchLocn = firstTickMatchLocn < firstBraceMatchLocn && firstTickMatchLocn != -1 ? firstTickMatchLocn : firstBraceMatchLocn;
if (firstBraceMatchLocn == -1) {
firstMatchLocn = firstTickMatchLocn;
this._logMessage(`+ Hvr: isPositionInComment() pos=[${position.character}], tik=[${firstTickMatchLocn}], brc=[${firstBraceMatchLocn}], mtch=[${firstMatchLocn}]`);
if (firstMatchLocn != -1 && position.character > firstMatchLocn) {
inCommentStatus = true;
this._logMessage(`+ Hvr: isPositionInComment() = EXIT w/${inCommentStatus}`);
return inCommentStatus;

public getStringPairOffsets(line: string): IPairs[] {
let findings: IPairs[] = this._getPairOffsetsOfChar(line, '"');
this._showPairsForChar(findings, '"');
let sglQuoStrPairs: IPairs[] = this._getPairOffsetsOfChar(line, "'");
if (sglQuoStrPairs.length > 0) {
// this._logMessage(`+ Hvr: _getStringPairOffsets([${line}](${line.length}))`);
let dblQuotedStrings: IPairs[] = findings;
if (sglQuoStrPairs.length > 0) {
for (let sglIdx = 0; sglIdx < sglQuoStrPairs.length; sglIdx++) {
const currFinding: IPairs = sglQuoStrPairs[sglIdx];
let bFoundIndblStr: boolean = false;
if (dblQuotedStrings.length > 0) {
for (let dblIdx = 0; dblIdx < dblQuotedStrings.length; dblIdx++) {
const dblQuoteStrPair: IPairs = dblQuotedStrings[dblIdx];
if (currFinding.start >= dblQuoteStrPair.start && currFinding.start <= dblQuoteStrPair.end) {
bFoundIndblStr = true;
if (currFinding.end >= dblQuoteStrPair.start && currFinding.end <= dblQuoteStrPair.end) {
bFoundIndblStr = true;
if (!bFoundIndblStr) {
this._showPairsForChar([currFinding], "'");

//this._logMessage(`+ Hvr: _getStringPairOffsets() - found ${findings.length} pair(s)`);
return findings;

public getPairOffsetsOfTicVarWraps(line: string): IPairs[] {
let findings: IPairs[] = [];
// hunting for "`(variable)" sets
// return location of each one found
let endIdx: number = line.length - 3;
let currTicWrapOffset: number = 0;
do {
currTicWrapOffset = line.indexOf("`(", currTicWrapOffset);
if (currTicWrapOffset == -1) {
break; // not wrap, stop hunting
let currTicWrapEndOffset: number = line.indexOf(")", currTicWrapOffset);
if (currTicWrapEndOffset == -1) {
break; // not wrap, stop hunting
const newPair = { start: currTicWrapOffset, end: currTicWrapEndOffset };
currTicWrapOffset = currTicWrapEndOffset + 1;
} while (currTicWrapOffset < endIdx);
this._showPairsForChar(findings, "`()");
return findings;

// PRIVATE Methods
private _showPairsForChar(pairsFound: IPairs[], srchChar: string) {
if (pairsFound.length > 0) {
for (let pairIdx = 0; pairIdx < pairsFound.length; pairIdx++) {
const pair: IPairs = pairsFound[pairIdx];
this._logMessage(`+ --- pair #${pairIdx + 1} string of (${srchChar}) at([${pair.start}, ${pair.end}) `);

private _getPairOffsetsOfChar(line: string, searchChar: string): IPairs[] {
let findings: IPairs[] = [];
let startPos: number = -1;
let endPos: number = -1;
let seachOffset: number = 0;
let endIdx: number = line.length - 2;
//this._logMessage(`+ --- _getPairOffsetsOfChar([${line}](${line.length}), [${searchChar}])`);
if (line.length > 0) {
while (seachOffset < endIdx) {
startPos = line.indexOf(searchChar, seachOffset);
if (startPos == -1 || startPos >= endIdx) {
endPos = line.indexOf(searchChar, startPos + 1);
if (endPos == -1) {
const newPair = { start: startPos, end: endPos };
if (endPos >= endIdx) {
seachOffset = endPos + 1;
if (line.substring(seachOffset).length < 1) {
//this._logMessage(`+ Hvr: _getPairOffsetsOfChar(, ) - found ${findings.length} pair(s)`);
return findings;

// place this somewhere useful to get this to run....
if (this.firstTime) {
this.firstTime = false;
private _testStringMatching() {
this._logMessage(`+ _testStringMatching() ENTRY`);
const test1: string = 'quoted strings "one..." no 2nd';
const test2: string = 'quoted strings "one..." and 2nd is "two" not at end';
const test3: string = "quoted strings 'one...' and 2nd is \"two\" and 3rd is 'three'";
const test4: string = "'one...' and 2nd is 'two' and 3rd is \"two\"";

this._logMessage(`+ _testStringMatching() EXIT`);

private _testAndReportFindings(text: string) {
let pairs: IPairs[] = this.getStringPairOffsets(text);
this._logMessage(`+ _testAndReportFindings([${text}](${text.length})) found ${pairs.length} pair(s)`);
if (pairs.length > 0) {
for (let pairIdx = 0; pairIdx < pairs.length; pairIdx++) {
const pair: IPairs = pairs[pairIdx];
this._logMessage(`+ --- pair #${pairIdx + 1} at([${pair.start}, ${pair.end}) `);

private _logMessage(message: string): void {
if (this.bLogEnabled && this.outputChannel != undefined) {
// Write to output window.

private spinControlFlowKeywords: string[] = ["if", "ifnot", "elseif", "elseifnot", "else", "case", "case_fast", "repeat", "from", "to", "step", "while", "until", "next", "quit"];

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