Add a NAS share by creating either a SMB/CIFS or NFSv3 type share on your appliance.
1.1 To create an SMB/CIFS type share
BHM:node1> share create smb test1 /stornext/snfs1/test1 write list = <userid>
1.2 To create an NFSv3 type share
BHM:node1> share create nfs test2 /stornext/snfs1/test2
1.3 Login to the NAS CLI over SSH and change permissions for the created shares
sudo chmod 777 -R /stornext/snfs1/test2
Mount the created share on your iRODS system.
2.1 Install required packages
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install cifs-utils sudo apt-get install nfs-common
2.2 Create a local directory to act as a mount point
mkdir -p /mnt/smb
mkdir -p /mnt/nfs
2.3 Add entries in
to make the mounts permanentFor the CIFS/SMB protocol:
\\<ipaddress>\test1 /mnt/smb cifs username=<userid>,password=<password>,noauto,rw,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0666 0 0
For the NFSv3 mount:
\\<ipaddress>:/stornext/snfs1/test2 /mnt/nfs nfs defaults 0 0
Clone this repository into
on the iRODS server
cd /tmp
git clone https://github.com/irods/irods_testing_quantum_xcellis
- Move the test file into the iRODS test directory
sudo mv /tmp/irods_testing_quantum_xcellis/test_quantum_xcellis_resource.py /var/lib/irods/scripts/irods/test/
- Change the owner of the test file
sudo chown irods:irods /var/lib/irods/scripts/irods/test/test_quantum_xcellis_resource.py
- Run the test file as the
service account (will take ~10 minutes)
sudo su - irods -c "python scripts/run_tests.py --run_specific_test test_quantum_xcellis_resource"