this is a site where I do as I please. I like to code and hack prodigy its fun to code javascript and html. I know how to code html, javascript, css, and php. I am learning c++ and c. if youd like to join my latest project request access
This is where my profile is irhrhd feel free to follow me if you'd like too. my favorite thing to do is code in my free time (i.e code on github)
Check out this awesome repo on github here this is a repo about hacking prodigy if you like PMG. If you like that then you'll my account giveaway repo me and my friend made. You can check that out here
If you want to learn more about me check out my about me page. If you like hacking prodigy then join the repo above or if you like hacking in general. If you need to contact me go to my contact page.