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Light weight easy to use task manager written by Rust


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Light weight easy to use task manager written by Rust

A lightweight job management system implemented in Rust. It is designed to simplify the development of task scheduling in online systems, supporting second-level granularity for timed task triggering, as well as immediate and delayed task scheduling. At this stage, it supports triggering HTTP requests, local server program calls, email sending, and other types of tasks. Tasks are executed in multiple pre-started worker threads, with support for controlling the concurrency capabilities of tasks. In this way, developers can focus on the business, without having to worry about technical details such as multithreading, multiprocessing, concurrency, thread isolation, process calls, error retries, task persistence, and recovery of tasks after restart. Developed in Rust, the released version is compiled with Musl for the x86 architecture, and consists of a single executable file that is ready to use out of the box. Musl compilation ensures that the program has no unnecessary dependencies and can be executed in minimal Docker images such as Alpine, making deployment convenient and fast.


The supported job modes include:

  1. Scheduled tasks (second-level granularity)
  2. Delayed trigger tasks
  3. Immediate trigger tasks

Supported types of job execution include:

  1. HTTP (GET | POST)
  2. Email
  3. Server-side local scripts


  1. 定时任务(秒级粒度)
  2. 延迟触发任务
  3. 即时触发任务


  2. 邮件
  3. 服务端本地脚本


./poulpe \
    --port 8000               #运行的端口
    --redis redis:// #用于持久化作业的redis连接
    --cron /etc/cron_task     #定义定时任务的文件地址
    --dead /tmp/deadpool      #死信箱目录,用于存储死任务
    --workers 4               #启动工作线程的数量
    --retry_interval 10       #错误重试间隔时间
    --max_retry 3             #最多重试的次数
    --smtp_server #SMTP服务器地址
    --smtp_port 23            #SMTP服务器端口
    --smtp_name alex          #SMTP账号
    --smtp_pwd *****          #SMTP密码
    --starttls                #是否启用starttls
    --kafka_servers           #Kafka的Broker列表,支持接入群集
    --kafka_topic             #接收任务的Topic
    --kafka_resp_topic        #返回任务执行结果的Topic
参数(parameter) 说明 Description
port 运行端口 port for http server
redis 用于持久化作业的redis连接 Redis connection used for job persistence.
cron 定义定时任务的文件地址 File path for defining scheduled tasks
dead 死信箱目录,用于存储死任务 Dead letter directory, used for storing dead tasks
workers 启动工作线程的数量 The number of worker threads to start
retry_interval 错误重试间隔时间 Error retry interval
max_retry 最多重试的次数 Times do error retry
smtp_server SMTP服务器地址 Server Adress of SMTP Service
smtp_port SMTP服务器端口 Server Port for SMTP Server
smtp_name SMTP账号 SMTP Account
smtp_pwd SMTP密码 SMTP Account Password
starttls 是否启用starttls Use this flag to open starttls
kafka_servers Kafka的Broker列表,支持接入群集 List of Kafka brokers, supporting cluster access
kafka_topic 接收任务的Topic Topic for recieve Task
kafka_resp_topic 返回任务执行结果的Topic Topic for response execute result

Both real-time triggering and delayed triggering support HTTP、WebSockets and Kafka multi-channel access. By default, only HTTP is enabled. After setting the correct Kafka prefix parameters, tasks can be received from Kafka.

实时触发和延迟触发均支持 HTTP、 Kafka、WebSockets等 多通道接入,默认只开启HTTP和WebSockets,在设置好正确的kafka前缀的参数后,即可从Kafka接收任务

http 接收任务的例子(Sample for http):
curl -X POST
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
     -d '{...}'

WebSockets连接的地址为:(Address for WebSockets incomming)

The format of the JSON body for HTTP requests and the message topic for Kafka is consistent, both in JSON format, as defined below:

HTTP请求的JSON Body和Kafka的消息题的格式是一致的,都是JSON格式,定义如下:

    "id": "唯一编码, 任务的唯一编号",
    "method": "作业执行的类型 GET|POST|EXEC|MAIL_TO",
    "delay": 0,       # 延迟执行的秒数,0为即时触发
    "name": "命令名",  # GET|POST的时候是请求地址,EXEC为命令名,MAIL_TO为邮件名
    "params": "参数",  # GET时为QueryString,POST时是JSON字符串,EXEC时为空格隔开的参数,MAIL_TO的时候为专门定义的JSON字符串
    "cc": "1 3",      # 空格隔开的指定线程编号,这里指定两个线程,表示最多可以并行执行2个任务,留空表示不限制
    "wait": 0         # 可选,大于0表示需要在提交任务后等待执行的结果,数值为等待超时时间
参数(parameter) 说明 Description
id 唯一编码, 任务的唯一编号 Unique code, the unique identifier of the task
method 作业执行的类型 GET/POST /EXEC /MAIL_TO Task execution type
delay 延迟执行的秒数,0为即时触发 Number of seconds for delayed execution, 0 for immediate triggering
name GET/POST的时候是请求地址,EXEC为命令名,MAIL_TO为邮件名 Task Name URL if method is GET/POST, CMD is method is EXEC, Email address if method is MAIL_TO
params GET时为QueryString,POST时是JSON字符串,EXEC时为空格隔开的参数,MAIL_TO的时候为专门定义的JSON字符串 QueryString if method if GET, JSON if method is POST, Parameter split by whitespace for EXEC, Mail JSON for MAIL_TO
cc 空格隔开的指定线程编号,这里指定两个线程,表示最多可以并行执行2个任务,留空表示不限制 Comma-separated thread identifiers. Here, specifying two threads indicates that a maximum of two tasks can be executed in parallel. Leaving it blank indicates no restriction.
wait 可选,大于0表示需要在提交任务后等待执行的结果,数值为等待超时时间 Optional, a value greater than 0 indicates the need to wait for the result after submitting the task, with the number representing the timeout period.

Structure of MAIL_TO:

MAIL_TO 的params的JSON结构

    "from_addr": "发件地址",
    "to_addr": "收件地址",
    "title": "邮件标题",
    "body": "邮件正文"
参数(Parameter) 说明 Description
from_addr 发件地址 Email Address To Send Email
to_addr 收件地址 Email Address TO Recieve Eamil
title 邮件标题 Email Title
body 邮件正文 Email body

Not support HTML in email body yet


Structure for cron file


//s  m h  d  Mon Week Y  Command Method   Parameter
//秒 分 时 日  月 星期 年  命令name medod    参数
1  *  *  *  *  *  *     cmd     GET     xx xx xx xx

Cron Task not support MAIL_TO


获取待执行结果(Get Execution Result):

The system provides a long-polling interface to retrieve execution results, which is useful for tasks requiring longer execution times, such as video compression.

系统提供long pulling获取执行结果的接口,以提供给需要更长执行时间的任务用于获取执行结果:比如压缩视频

curl任务编号(Task Unique Number)

获取系统当前状态(Get System Status)

Retrieve the current running status via a GET request, including the list of task IDs being executed, the list of delayed task IDs waiting for execution, the list of task IDs that encountered errors during execution, and information about the queue lengths for each worker thread.



Return a JSON object for easy integration with operations and maintenance tools, such as triggering alerts when the queue becomes too long.



Light weight easy to use task manager written by Rust







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