The project is a service for creating and updating errata for ALT Linux. It provides three methods:
- Generate errata - this method allows to generate errata with a unique id by prefix (a unique id is generated by sha1("PREFIX-NUM"), where prefix is the input parameter to the service, and num is a unique number(num=lust_num+1)) and writes to the database and then return to client,
- Update errata - this method allows you to update the number of errata updates by the errata number,
- Check errata - this method checks for errata
- GET /register?prefix=PREFIX&year=YEAR
- POST /update?name=NAME
- GET /check?name=NAME
Possible responses:
- 200(ok),
- 405(use not allowed method),
- 400(request parse error),
- 500(connect to clickhouse fail), 404(db error)
|-- cmd // folder with entry point(main.go)
|-- pkg- // folder with pkg, that are used in the project
| |-- configurator // pkg for parsing flags, and config file
| |-- logger // pkg for logging
| |-- server // main pkg for API
| |-- service // layer between api and db
| |-- db // pkg for database manipulation
Example config file is located on ./config/config.yml.example, change it and rename to config.yml
- database - clickhouse database name
- login - clickhouse database login
- password - clickhouse database password
- clickhouse_address
- dialTimeout - timeout for establishing new connections
- HTTP - use HTTP to connect to db
- allowed - allowed address
Along the path ./config/errata.sql there is sql file with table that must be in clickhouse for the service to work correctly
go build -o build/service cmd/main.go
Then correct config file and run service
./build/service -c config/config.yml
docker-compose up
if you received access denied, check container console and add your compose gateway in config/config.yml
Use errata.http in ./api_test to test how it works
This response comes from the server to the request
"comment": string
"errata": {
"id": string