python-ripple-lib is a client library to access Ripple rippled API and Data API.
Currently it supports public and admin methods (some of them still are work in progress though). List of implemented methods is displayed below. Basically, it's just a wrapper on top of http requests made to API.
Available on PyPi
To install the package from PyPi run the following command
pip install python-ripple-lib
If you want to install package from this repo, use
python install
If you want to install package just for development purposes, use another command
python develop
This command creates symlinks to package files instead of copying it to package directory
Most of JSON-RPC methods are implemented inside, for the full list of methods please refer to list of Public and Admin methods from ripple documentation
How to use:
from ripple_api import RippleRPCClient
# module supports authentication as well
rpc = RippleRPCClient('', username='<username>', password='<password>')
account_info = rpc.account_info('r9cZA1mLK5R5Am25ArfXFmqgNwjZgnfk59')
Most of Data API requests are implemented here as well, fll list located in here
How to use:
from ripple_api import RippleDataAPIClient
api = RippleDataAPIClient('')
identifier = '3170DA37CE2B7F045F889594CBC323D88686D2E90E8FFD2BBCD9BAD12E416DB5'
query_params = dict(transactions='true')
ledger_info = api.get_ledger(ledger_identifier=identifier, **query_params)
Example of get_transactions() query:
from ripple_api import RippleDataAPIClient
from pprint import pprint
api = RippleDataAPIClient('')
# to get name of a specific transaction type please refer to this link:
query_params = dict(type="Payment")
txs = api.get_transactions(**query_params)
Send XRP from address to address via Account instance:
from ripple_api import Account
taker = 'rYuHe4VogMzYmvHpSsgGxRH97UvqumgER'
issuer = 'rMEmLrfkfooLjdkerU5TKTcAVpfy9fpSxt'
seed = '<account_seed>'
account = Account('http://localhost:5005', issuer, seed)
tx_info = account.send_xrp(issuer=issuer, taker=taker, secret=seed, amount=10)
- Fork this project
- Clone it locally
- Add your changes
- Run tests:
make tests
python -m unittest -v
- If tests are successful and everything is OK, commit to your local fork
- Submit a pull request to this repo