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silasprincipe committed Nov 19, 2024
1 parent 8e155b7 commit 6d819e1
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Showing 5 changed files with 894 additions and 0 deletions.
265 changes: 265 additions & 0 deletions codes/get_sst_summaries.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
#################### eDNA expeditions - scientific analysis ####################
########################## Environmental data download #########################
# November of 2024
# Author: Silas C. Principe
# Contact: [email protected]
############### Retrieve SST summaries for species and sites ###################

# Dependencies note
# Part of this code can be executed with Python, using Xarray and Dask
# You need to install those libraries
# using reticulate::py_install()
# To use that option, you can source the code "nearby_from_nc.R"
# Here we use the R terra package instead. The functions syntax are exactly the same

# Load packages -----

# Settings -----
datafolder <- "data"
outfolder <- "results"

# Download data ------
# Species grids
gridf <- file.path(datafolder, 'speciesgrids')
system(glue::glue("aws s3 cp --recursive s3://obis-products/speciesgrids/h3_7 {gridf} --no-sign-request"))

# Environmental data
datasets <- c(

datasets <- c(datasets,
gsub("depthsurf", "depthmean", datasets))

future_scenarios <- c("ssp126", "ssp245", "ssp370", "ssp585")

time_steps <- list(
current = c("2000-01-01T00:00:00Z", "2010-01-01T00:00:00Z"), #2000-2010/2010-2020
dec50 = c("2030-01-01", "2040-01-01"), #2030-2040/2040-2050
dec100 = c("2080-01-01", "2090-01-01") #2080-2090/2090-2100

variables <- c("mean")

get_env_data(datasets = datasets, future_scenarios = future_scenarios,
time_steps = time_steps, variables = variables,
terrain_vars = NULL, average_time = T, outdir = datafolder)

# Prepare environmental layers -------
fpaths <- file.path(datafolder, paste0(
"future/", future_scenarios, "/thetao_", future_scenarios, "_depthsurf_mean.tif"
all_paths <- c(
file.path(datafolder, "current/thetao_baseline_depthsurf_mean.tif"),
gsub("mean", "dec50_mean", fpaths),
gsub("mean", "dec100_mean", fpaths)
surface <- rast(all_paths)
bottom <- rast(gsub("depthsurf", "depthmean", all_paths))

names(surface) <- gsub("thetao_", "", gsub(".tif", "", basename(sources(surface))))
names(bottom) <- gsub("thetao_", "", gsub(".tif", "", basename(sources(bottom))))

# Save as a single netcdf, as this will be used by the R or Python functions
writeCDF(sds(surface[[1]], bottom[[1]]), file.path(datafolder, ""),
overwrite = T)

# Get list of species ------

occ <- read_occurrence_data()

occ <- occ %>%
filter(taxonRank == "species") %>%
select(scientificName, higherGeography) %>%
group_by(scientificName, higherGeography) %>%
distinct(scientificName, .keep_all = T) %>%

species_list <- occ %>% distinct(scientificName)

# Extract data and get nearby for those invalid -------

# Uncomment and use lines below to use Python version
# library(reticulate)
# source("codes/nearby_from_nc.R")
# da <- import("dask")
# dd <- import("dask.distributed")
# client <- dd$Client()
# browseURL("http://localhost:8787/status")
# xr <- import("xarray")

target_nc <- file.path(datafolder, "")

quantile_df <- function(x, probs = c(0.05, 0.95)) {
res <- tibble(metric = c(paste0("q_", probs), "mean", "sd", "no_data", "with_data"),
value = c(quantile(x, probs, na.rm = T),
mean(x, na.rm = T),
sd(x, na.rm = T),

grids_ds <- open_dataset(gridf)

grids_ds <- grids_ds %>%
select(species, AphiaID, min_year, cell)

number_recs <- grids_ds %>%
filter(species %in% species_list$scientificName) %>%
group_by(species) %>%
count() %>%

number_recs <- number_recs %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(cumulative_sum = cumsum(n),
batch = cumsum(cumulative_sum >= lag(cumulative_sum, default = 0) + 100000)) %>%

number_recs$batch <- number_recs$batch + 1

species_batch <- unique(number_recs$batch)
results_batch <- lapply(seq_along(species_batch), function(x) NULL)

for (spi in species_batch) {
cat("\nRunning batch", spi, "out of", length(species_batch), "\n\n")
sel_species <- number_recs$species[number_recs$batch == spi]

sel_data <- grids_ds %>%
filter(species %in% sel_species) %>%

sel_data_crds <-$cell)))
sel_data_crds <- bind_cols(sel_data_crds, sel_data)
colnames(sel_data_crds)[1:2] <- c("decimalLongitude", "decimalLatitude")

grids_result <- extract_from_nc(target_nc, sel_data_crds[,1:2])
var_col <- which(grepl("thetao", colnames(grids_result)))[1]

grids_result <- bind_cols(grids_result, sel_data)

coords_na <- which([, var_col]))

if (length(coords_na) > 1) {
new_coords <- get_nearby(target_nc, names(grids_result)[var_col],
grids_result[coords_na, 1:2], mode = "25")
na_approx <- which(![, "value"]))
new_coords$decimalLongitude[na_approx] <- new_coords$new_lon[na_approx]
new_coords$decimalLatitude[na_approx] <- new_coords$new_lat[na_approx]

new_info <- grids_result[coords_na, colnames(sel_data)]
grids_result <- grids_result[-coords_na,]
new_result <- extract_from_nc(target_nc, new_coords[,1:2])
grids_result <- bind_rows(grids_result, bind_cols(new_result, new_info))

grids_result <- grids_result %>%
select(cell, species, starts_with("thetao")) %>%
pivot_longer(starts_with("thetao"), names_to = "variable", values_to = "values") %>%
group_by(variable, species) %>%
distinct(cell, .keep_all = T) %>%
reframe(quantile_df(values)) %>%
separate_wider_delim(cols = "variable",
names = c("variable", "baseline", "depth", "variant"),
delim = "_") %>%
select(-variable, -variant, scenario = baseline)

results_batch[[spi]] <- grids_result

results_batch <-"rbind", results_batch)

write_parquet(results_batch, file.path(datafolder, "species_thermal_lims.parquet"))

# Get temperature on sites on all scenarios ------
# sites <- jsonlite::read_json("")
# sites_samples <- sites$samples %>% bind_rows()
sites_shape <- sf::read_sf("")
sites_shape <- terra::vect(sites_shape)

sites_values <- terra::extract(c(surface, bottom), sites_shape, fun = mean, na.rm = T)
sites_values$higherGeography <- sites_shape$name
sites_values <- sites_values %>% filter(!

sites_values$higherGeography[sites_values$higherGeography == "Península Valdés"] <- "Peninsula Valdès"
sites_values$higherGeography[sites_values$higherGeography == "The Wadden Sea"] <- "Wadden Sea"

write_parquet(sites_values, file.path(datafolder, "sites_sst_all.parquet"))

species_site_temp <- left_join(occ, sites_values) %>% select(-ID)

species_lims <- results_batch %>%
select(species, metric, value, scenario, depth) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = metric, values_from = value, id_cols = c("species", "scenario", "depth"))

species_lims_dsurf <- species_lims %>%
filter(depth == "depthsurf") %>%
rename(scientificName = species)
species_lims_dmean <- species_lims %>%
filter(depth == "depthmean") %>%
rename(scientificName = species)

colnames(species_lims_dsurf)[4:9] <- paste0("dsurf_", colnames(species_lims_dsurf)[4:9])
colnames(species_lims_dmean)[4:9] <- paste0("dmean_", colnames(species_lims_dmean)[4:9])

species_site_temp <- left_join(species_site_temp, species_lims_dsurf[,c("scientificName", "dsurf_q_0.95")])
species_site_temp <- left_join(species_site_temp, species_lims_dmean[,c("scientificName", "dmean_q_0.95")])

sites_species_risk <- species_site_temp %>%
mutate(across(contains("depthsurf"), ~ .x - dsurf_q_0.95)) %>%
mutate(across(contains("depthmean"), ~ .x - dmean_q_0.95)) %>%
rename(limit_dsurf = dsurf_q_0.95, limit_dmean = dmean_q_0.95) %>%
mutate(across(3:length(.), ~round(.x, 2)))

# View results
sites_species_risk %>%
filter(higherGeography == 'Aldabra Atoll') %>%
current = baseline_depthsurf_mean,
ssp1 = ssp126_depthsurf_dec100_mean,
ssp2 = ssp245_depthsurf_dec100_mean,
ssp3 = ssp370_depthsurf_dec100_mean,
ssp5 = ssp585_depthsurf_dec100_mean)

write_parquet(sites_species_risk, file.path(datafolder, "species_sites_risk.parquet"))

# Example application
sites_species_risk %>%
filter(higherGeography == 'Aldabra Atoll') %>%
current = baseline_depthsurf_mean,
ssp1 = ssp126_depthsurf_dec100_mean,
ssp2 = ssp245_depthsurf_dec100_mean,
ssp3 = ssp370_depthsurf_dec100_mean) %>%
mutate(across(2:length(.), ~ ifelse(.x <= 0, 0, 1))) %>%
summarise(current = sum(current, na.rm = T), ssp1 = sum(ssp1, na.rm = T), ssp2 = sum(ssp2, na.rm = T), ssp3 = sum(ssp3, na.rm = T)) %>%
pivot_longer(1:4, names_to = "scenario", values_to = "species") %>%
ggplot2::ggplot() +
ggplot2::geom_bar(ggplot2::aes(x = scenario, y = species), stat = "identity")


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