drag&drop UI Kit for reactorstrap and theorically any other one. demo
There are 5 main components:
Reactor: the main component
mainly sync all the children components Manage the app tree in its state with the form :
{name: 'div', elem: DOM.div, props: {}, children: ['Hi']}
Manage the selected component in the tree for the configurator. Link the drag and drop features between the Catalog and the Tree. -
Catalog: the component list on the left
It takes a hashmap of components with the form {name -> React Component} so the original required react-bootstrap object is just fine. We add some classic React.DOM components like div, span ...
Tree Preview: the tree representation of the app
It use the amazing chenglou/treeview to render the tree. We use some native html5 drag and drop to add or replace components. We mark the string children as contenteditable.
Preview: The preview of the app
We just take the app tree and render it as is. 5 lines of code
Configurator: Props editor of selected node in the tree
It takes the selected component as props. We then inspect the object to find props. We also fake render with bad props so we can guess the prop types from the message :/ and display revelant UI like checkbox for bools. We could use gcanti/tcomb-react-bootstrap to read prop types but it would only work for react bootstrap.
Use the new Facebook Immutable library with cursors for deep tree updaptes. That's a feature I missed from Om. We can update and render deep in the tree quite elegantly.