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Releases: inworld-ai/inworld-unity-full


09 Jan 22:57
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  1. Add WebGL Microphone Input.
  2. Support Saving/Loading Session State
  3. Fixed a bug of occasionally unable to load lipsync.
  4. Fixed a bug of occasionally unable to reset animations


16 Dec 00:10
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New Features:

  1. Procedually loading packages for avoiding import errors.
  2. Multiple audio input method support including turn based, push to talk, and aec.
  3. Pausing interactions (By default it's space key).
  4. Skipping interactions (By default it's left ctrl).
  5. Save/load sessions for websocket.


01 Nov 23:43
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First release of version 3.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This is a pre-release/beta version of the InworldAI Unity runtime SDK and is not intended for production use. This version is released for testing and development purposes only. We provide this version 'as-is' and make no guarantees or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about its completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability. Please make sure to backup your data regularly and expect bugs and issues. We encourage users to provide feedback and report any bugs or issues they encounter to help us improve the final version. Use this at your own risk.

Packages Overview


The default package using NDK and Protobuf as transport layer. Contains samples of InworldAI.Sample.RPM.
The samples are all from the version 2, not only showcasing all the different features, but also ensuring a smooth upgrade path.
Works in Windows only.


A basic 2D implementation for Inworld using websocket as transport layer. Supports all platforms.

Package Structure

Inworld Unity SDK package comprises the following modules:


This is the core module that encompasses all fundamental Inworld logic, WebSocket-based Inworld interactions, and a 2D sample. All other modules reference it.


This module encompasses various Inworld functionalities implemented within Unity, such as 2D and 3D animations, fonts, logos, UI icons, Lipsync data, and more.


This module constitutes Inworld communication implementation based on NDK (C++ based). It employs Protobuf for data transmission.
It offers faster performance compared to WebSocket-based implementation, with lower bandwidth consumption. Additionally, it features an echo cancellation module.
Currently limited to Windows support.


This is a rewrite based on Inworld Unity SDK 3.0, built upon all the features and samples of the 2.0 version.
It encompasses all functionalities of 2.0 and leverages Ready Player Me for character model implementation.
It is not supported on WebGL.


This is a sample built upon Inworld's next-generation model, Innequin, and follows a distinct approach from Ready Player Me. It is based on .fbx models, making it suitable for all platforms.


Each Unity package contains different modules. For specific details, please refer to the table below:

Packages Inworld.AI Inworld.Assets Inworld.NDK Inworld.Samples.RPM Inworld.Samples.Innequin


Platform Inworld.AI InworldAI.Lite InworldAI.Sample.RPM InworldAI.Sample.Innequin Inworld v1 Inworld v2
Unity Minimum Version 2020.1 2020.1 2020.1 2020.1 2019.4 2021.3
Mac Intel 64-bit × Only in Editor Only in Editor
Mac Apple Silicon × Only in Editor Only in Editor
Android ×
Oculus ×
iOS ×
Linux × × ×
WebGL × × × ×

How to use

1. Prepare your assets.

To integrate your own characters into your Unity project, you will need to ensure that you can access:

  1. At least one Workspace.
  2. At least one API Key in your workspace.
  3. At least one Character in your workspace.
  4. At least one Inworld Scene in your workspace.
  5. Ensure that your Inworld Scene contains all the Characters you need to interact with.

If you do not know how to create them, please check our Prerequisities page.

2. Fill in the full name of your scene in InworldController.

3. Fill in the API key/secret of your scene in InworldClient.


4. Fill in the full name of your character in InworldCharacter's Data.


What's Changed

Our Unity Integration has had severals significant changes between v2 and v3. Chief among them being a modular transport layer for client-server communication that allows you to switch between using Unity Websockets as well as a NDK implementation that uses protobufs and grpc

Callback Changes

Our callbacks have also changed and been extended. Any scripts that are setup to add listeners to these callbacks will need to be refactored to account for updated names such as:

  • OnStateChanged -> OnStatusChanged
  • RuntimeEvent -> OnStatusChanged
  • OnBeginSpeaking -> onBeginSpeaking
  • OnFinishedSpeaking -> onEndSpeaking
  • OnCharacterSpeaks -> onCharacterSpeaks
  • OnGoalCompleted -> onGoalCompleted
  • CustomEvent -> ClientTrigger
    The Inworld Character script has also been extended to have events for onPacketReceived and onEmotionChanged

The onPacketReceived event now exists on a per character basis in the InworldCharacter script as well. This event is invoked through the onPacketReceived event in the InworldClient script any time a packet is received from the server (the chain of events is represented in red in the above screenshot going from the Client script to the Interaction script and finally to the corresponding Character script).

The OnInteractionChanged method in the InworldCharacter script is added as a listener to the Action with the same name in the InworldInteraction script.

Migration Process

Note: Before proceeding with any changes, please make a copy or backup of your project to ensure you do not lose anything and to use as reference


  • Remove v2 of the Inworld AI integration from your project being careful not to remove any necessary assets, models, textures etc such as for ReadyPlayerMe characters.

  • Add v3 of the Inworld AI integration to your project

  • At this point you will have various missing script references

  • Replace the obsolete PlayerController object in the relevant scenes and nested prefabs with one of the updated PlayerController prefabs which most suits your purpose

  • Replace the obsolete Inworld Controller missing script reference with the one provided in v3 and ensure a valid client reference and scene Full name are set

  • Ensure the Client script has the correct API key and secret corresponding to the Scene

  • Replace the obsolete InworldCharacter missing script reference with the updated v3 InworldCharacter script or one of it's derived scripts which best suits your use case

  • Ensure the Data field has a valid corresponding brain name for the chosen character which can be obtained from the url of your character on the Inworld Studio.

  • Add Inworld Body Animation, and Facial animation scripts as necessary

  • Add any missing Unity Event scene references again

  • Resolve compile errors where necessary by refactoring any scripts using obsolete callbacks to utilize the updated and new Actions & Events detailed above accordingly

# 2.1.9

12 May 21:09
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  1. Fixed a bug that Record button doesn't work.
  2. Update API parameters for SendTrigger.

Installation Instructions:

  1. Download the ai.inworld.runtime-sdk.unitypackage
  2. Open Unity and then open the downloaded package and import all the contents into your project

# 2.1.8

01 May 18:22
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  1. Solved missing Newtonsoft.json in Unity version 2022 or higher.
  2. Added 2D sample scene.
  3. Added sample scene for login with custom token.


12 Apr 22:46
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  1. Provided URP/HDRP Shader support for characters and one-click shader upgrade feature.
  2. Added more options to DefaultSetting:
    1. enable/disable server audio transmission
    2. support enable/disable user's interruption
    3. support saving/loading dialog history.
  3. Improved the accuracy of logging the start/end time of a character.
  4. Character is interruptible if not talking to.
  5. Added OnGoalComplete UnityEvent for Character.
  6. Added Sample Scene for dynamically instantiating characters.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Fixed a bug that caused a runtime crash on exit.
  2. Fixed a bug that caused the character to be pulled back to the starting point when too far away from the player.
  3. Fixed a bug that caused the character to interrupt the player's recording when the record button was held down.
  4. Fixed a bug that occasionally unable to switch talking characters.

Inworld Unity SDK 2.1.5

27 Feb 23:47
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Installation Instructions:

  1. Download the ai.inworld.runtime-sdk.unitypackage
  2. Open Unity and then open the downloaded package and import all the contents into your project
  3. Navigate to Windows -> Pacakage Manager
  4. Click on the + button and select "Add Package by name" and enter "com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json"