Extending the default UE4 VR template with basic interactions like in Oculus/SteamVR Home. WIP.
The goal of this project is to add basic VR features to the default UE4 VR map:
- (done) Easy teleport/turn by simply tilting the thumbstick. Tilt the thumbstick up/down to initiate teleport, release to execute. Tilt left-rigth to rotate by 45° in place.
- (done) Highlight the object which can be grabbed. Implemented using depth and post process material.
- (started) Laser pointer interaction: grab, move, rotate
- Highlight teleport area
- etc.
Check MotionControllerMap
, MotionControllerPawn
and BP_MotionController
for the new/modified stuff.
The modified or new parts are commented in Orange.
Unreal Forum thread: https://forums.unrealengine.com/development-discussion/vr-ar-development/1701223-vr-interaction-project-open-source