20190325 Auction update, '18 ID card support and other security patched, fixes and improvements
released this
26 Mar 08:54
New API for domain auctions #874
Improved EPP domain info and check request handling of reserved, blocked and auctioned domains #597
WHOIS update for auction domains #1097
WHOIS regenerate update for auction domains #1111
WHOIS fix for auction domains #1105
Disabled auctions for reserved and blocked domains #1020
Support for Estonian 2018 ID-card version #1047
Fixed invoice reference number ganaration for numbers ending with 0 #1071
Refactored and improved invoice generation and management #1013
Covnerted specs to tests #1098
Fixed Äriregister test service access #1077
Estonian company register checks moved to separate gem #1079
Update Estonian comapny register queries to new API version #916
Fixed issue in admin with contact updated using registrant API #1059
Fixed Regsitrant API contact id reference issue #1090
Fixed missing translation issue in admin with pendingUpdate and pendingDeleteConfirmation statuses #1117
Rails update to #1104
Bootstrap-sass gem update to 3.4 (CVE-2019-8331 ) #1085
Devise gem update to 4.0 (CVE-2019-5421 ) #1114
Countries gem update to 3.0.0 #1086
Savon gem update to 2.12.0 #1088
Grape gem update to 1.2.3 #1091
Bundler version fix in Tracis config #1110
Puma gem update to 3.12.1 #1116
Fixtures' fix #1096
Fine-tuning simplecov gem and code climate #1100
Added .editconfig #1074
Typo fix #1083
Added clarifying comments to the code #1089
Fixed comment #1095
Removed duplicate translations #1103
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