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The First MVP of IA, code named vader ( No Longer a MVP )

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Whats with the name?

Force Choke, 'I find your lack of faith disturbing!'

Lets get the show on the road

Pre Requisites

make sure you have these packages on your system

  1. node & npm
  2. postgres 9.4 (important, 9.4 is version is a must)
  3. gulp & bower (npm install -g gulp bower)

Setting your development environment

You know virtualenv, right? MAKE ONE and switch to it!

git clone --recusive [email protected]:adomattic/Vader.git && cd Vader
pip install -r requirements.txt
touch adomattic/conf/fabric/

the last command creates your fabric variables i.e. automate the crap out of this thing, edit this file in your favourite editor, and make your have the paths to these set accordingly

DEPLOY_KEY = 'path to the live ssh key, if you have access i.e.'
STAGE_KEY = 'path to the dev ssh key, again, if you have access'
LOCAL_PROJECT_PATH = 'your local project path'
LOCAL_ENVIRONMENT_PATH = 'you virtual environment path'

one you have this set up, this is the magic command you run first before you can tame this monster

fab local update_envs
fab local prepare

The GIT branching structure

best that we follow the git flow model. Branches and their roles are as follow

  • master > major releases, tagged by version number. version number is YY.MM.DD
  • develop > major development branch, used for staging
  • feature/name > we branch out from developing before developing a feature so that come back and checkout master to do hot-fixes
  • hot-fix/name > for fixing stuff when things are live and we need to iron out minor kinks, this allows to leave our feature development on a seperate path

The Git Flow with git flow plugin

seriously, if you are not using git-flow plug uptil now, you MUST! but the big question here is HOW? luckily, it has been made easy with git plugin. I don't know about *ix, but on OSX, we use the power of brew to get git-flow

brew install git-flow

to use git-flow plugin, lets say we are to start a new feature 'awesome',

git flow feature start awesome

where 'awesome' is the name of the feature. One you are 100% done with 'awesome' feature, we first merge the develop back in the feature/awesome branch doing

git merge develop

this enables us to resolve merge conflict, get upto speed with the parallel development, test the code before finally closing the feature. To close this feature after testing, we release this command to shell

git flow feature finish awesome


everything frontend related is managed through a seperate submodule magneto

with each function of ui having a seperate folder e.g

  1. dashboard > everything related to dashboard
  2. emails > to generate email friendly templates
  3. impressions > manages pixel for client side that gathers us the data or display our ad.

to watch the static files while working on dashboard, we would need gulp with browser-sync which proxies django local development server. Do this in a seperate terminal/console window It is assumed that you have node installed, and gulp/bower commands available locally. If you have followed the instructions above, node with gulp and bower should be available to you at this point. If not, do npm i -g gulp bower and then.

fab live setup_magneto


Go make a coffee or something, take a walk, and by the time you are back, it will be done

npm install read package.json, while bower install reads bower.json.

Congatulations, if no error has occured, Supporting Libraries and tools should be with you now.

Next Steps

The usual, update your local settings file, located at


It should be already be populated with some default variables, update it according to your needs. Some word. Go look at to understand how we are doing the configuration.

Oh! And one last thing!

The core apps which run our applications are in apps/ while third party apps are forked into plugins folder. There is a common application which provides functions that are used site wide. For example, we have a file which contains a model

class TimeStamped(BaseModel):
    Provides created and updated timestamps on models.
    This will be the model inherited site wide because for SAAS
    added_on and updated_on are required to check the action on
    a particular record

    added_on = CreationDateTimeField()
    updated_on = ModificationDateTimeField()

    class Meta:
        abstract = True

It is absolutely imperative that this is inherited everywhere when making a new model. And remember KISS and DRY i.e. Keep it simple stupid and Dont repeat yourself!

Some helper commands

psql --port=5432 --username=vader --password --dbname=vader
psql --port=5432 --username=vader --password --dbname=vader \copy (Select * From impressions_impression) To '~/test.csv' With CSV


The First MVP of IA, code named vader ( No Longer a MVP )






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