New features for Boxes V2
- New box form with the option of adding samples from inventory #1731
- Allow to add 1 to N batches & 1 to N concentrations within the box #1732
- Allow to save a box of samples to be created #1733
- Download inventory & print labels #1786
- Allow to reopen batch details when creating a box #1846
- Changing the sources empties the contents #1778
New features for Visualizations
- Define the SamplesReport entity, views and logic #1809
- Allow to upload measured concentrations with a CSV file #1618
- Allow to download csv template file #1812
- Automatic unblinding #1735
- LOD visualization #1820
- Challenge visualization #1821
- Variants visualization #1822
- Allow to share measurement reports #1555
- Tests SamplesReportController #1837
- Add SamplesReports permissions to predefined roles #1853
Bug fixes
- Concentration's field data should not be removed. #1885
- Upload results informing wrong not-found-uuid count if repeated samples in csv file #1891
- Show custom confirm message on samples result upload #1808
- Wrong "Delete Confirmation" message for Boxes. #1881
- Wrong alignment for uploaded samples text. #1883
- Did not allowing to download PDF file from Box Reports.
- Showing wrong count for "Boxes". #1858
- Box label mismatch between PDF and UI #1826
- Error occurs while uploading CSV Results. #1874
- Delete Box Report pop up message is not clear. #1872
- Box Report Pdf file is not behaving correctly. #1884
- There should be more space between sample UUID's as in Invision. #1852
- Should not allow to create Report with empty result.
- Can't create Box Report for transferred Box #1854
- Reduced the Space in Result Upload Error pop up screen. #1851
- Keep uploaded batches information if SamplesReport creation throw error #1845
- Should not allow to add Batch with empty "Contcentrations" . #1859
- Align the "Add file" button on the upload results form #1833
Technical debt
When upgrading you must run the following rake tasks for the policy system to account for the new SamplesReport resource (see #1853):
$ bin/rails policy:add_samples_report_permissions
$ bin/rails policy:calculate_computed