MQTT Client in Java specifically for Instagram realtime protocol. Currently unstable with limited functionality and subject to drastic changes!
- Listen to direct message events
// logged in IGClient
IGClient client = IGClient.builder().username("username").password("password").login();
// constructing IGRealtimeClient with one packet consumer (or listener)
IGRealtimeClient realtime = new IGRealtimeClient(client, (packet) - > {
// a packet consumer (or listener) that listens for incoming packets and then acts on it
try {
// if packet is a publish packet
if (packet instanceof PublishPacket) {
// cast it
final PublishPacket publishPacket = (PublishPacket) packet;
// retrieve payload, unzip, then stringify
final String payload = PacketUtil.stringify(ZipUtil.unzip(publishPacket.getPayload()));
} catch (DataFormatException | JsonProcessingException ex) {
System.out.println("Error while reading PublishPacket " + ex.getMessage());
// connect the client to Instagram broker. This is a blocking operation
For an example application that simply replies to a direct message see here.
NOTE: There is little functionality currently. Only publish packets can be listened in the packet consumers.
NOTE: To see debugging logs, please configure the logger at DEBUG level
Example log4j ( file at the root of the project)
log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, stdout
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{yy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss} %p %c{2}: %m%n
Instagram's realtime protocol follows a modified version of MQTT 3.1.1 Spec, called MQTToT. Much thanks to Nerixyz's work.
Some notable changes are:
- CONNECT packet takes a zipped Thrift payload with parameters used to connect the client to the broker successfully
- CONNACK packet has a payload