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Setting up a new EC2 Instance

Jaimie Murdock edited this page Apr 24, 2018 · 2 revisions

Selecting an Instance Type

To begin, you must first select an instance type.

For continually-running servers, the cost is the bound. The rule of thumb is hourly_rate * 720 = monthly_rate. Pricing can be found at EC2 On-demand pricing.

For servers that are only necessary for a short amount of time, or to improve performance, we can use "spot instances". Pricing can be found at EC2 Spot Pricing. Make sure that your scripts shutdown the machine as soon as possible. Machines can be re-launched using a cronjob from another instance. An example is the DLV mining instance

Click "Launch Instance"

Follow each step of Launch Instance wizard.

On security group, select either "launch-wizard1" for outside access or "sep-topics" for internal access. (may change)

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