Simple tool that converts a flake8 file to junit format. Use it on your CI server to see the flake8 failures with ease.
Master | ||
Develop |
Create your flake8 file as usual:
$ flake8 --output-file flake8.txt
Convert it to JUnit format:
$ flake8_junit flake8.txt flake8_junit.xml
$ pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
$ tox
2016-05-11 2.1.0
- Change setuptools scripts to console scripts.
Now it should works on Windows
- Fix bug
- Add version 2.0.1
- Flake8 file now is always generated, even when there are no errors
- Add version 2.x.x
- Rolled back python cli to vanilla python
- Renamed binary to flake8_junit