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infnan committed Apr 23, 2020
1 parent dc44860 commit f6f9814
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Showing 2 changed files with 103 additions and 348 deletions.
295 changes: 1 addition & 294 deletions lib/QQSocketApiBot.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ const EventEmitter = require('events');
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const { parseMessage, escape: coolqEscape } = require('./coolq.js');
const { isInGoogle, gcj_wgs_bored, gcj_bd, coordsRound } = require('ishisashimap');

const MAX_LEN = 33025; // 發送時的最大長度

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -318,299 +317,7 @@ const parseGroupInfo = (str) => {

const faces = {
0: '惊讶', 1: '撇嘴', 2: '色', 3: '发呆', 4: '得意', 5: '流泪', 6: '害羞', 7: '闭嘴', 8: '睡', 9: '大哭',
10: '尴尬', 11: '发怒', 12: '调皮', 13: '呲牙', 14: '微笑', 15: '难过', 16: '酷', 17: '非典', 18: '抓狂', 19: '吐',
20: '偷笑', 21: '可爱', 22: '白眼', 23: '傲慢', 24: '饥饿', 25: '困', 26: '惊恐', 27: '流汗', 28: '憨笑', 29: '悠闲',
30: '奋斗', 31: '咒骂', 32: '疑问', 33: '嘘……', 34: '晕', 35: '折磨', 36: '衰', 37: '骷髅', 38: '敲打', 39: '再见',
40: '闪人', 41: '发抖', 42: '爱情', 43: '跳跳', 44: '找', 45: '美眉', 46: '猪头', 47: '猫咪', 48: '小狗', 49: '拥抱',
50: '钱', 51: '灯泡', 52: '酒杯', 53: '蛋糕', 54: '闪电', 55: '炸弹', 56: '刀', 57: '足球', 58: '音乐', 59: '便便',
60: '咖啡', 61: '饭', 62: '药丸', 63: '玫瑰', 64: '凋谢', 65: '吻', 66: '爱心', 67: '心碎', 68: '会议', 69: '礼物',
70: '电话', 71: '时间', 72: '邮件', 73: '电视', 74: '太阳', 75: '月亮', 76: '赞', 77: '踩', 78: '握手', 79: '胜利',
80: '多多', 81: '美女', 82: '汉良', 83: '毛毛', 84: 'Q 仔', 85: '飞吻', 86: '怄火', 87: '白酒', 88: '汽水', 89: '西瓜',
90: '下雨', 91: '多云', 92: '雪人', 93: '星星', 94: '女', 95: '男', 96: '冷汗', 97: '擦汗', 98: '抠鼻', 99: '鼓掌',
100: '糗大了', 101: '坏笑', 102: '左哼哼', 103: '右哼哼', 104: '哈欠', 105: '鄙视', 106: '委屈', 107: '快哭了', 108: '阴险', 109: '亲亲',
110: '吓', 111: '可怜', 112: '菜刀', 113: '啤酒', 114: '篮球', 115: '乒乓', 116: '示爱', 117: '瓢虫', 118: '抱拳', 119: '勾引',
120: '拳头', 121: '差劲', 122: '爱你', 123: 'NO', 124: 'OK', 125: '转圈', 126: '磕头', 127: '回头', 128: '跳绳', 129: '挥手',
130: '激动', 131: '街舞', 132: '献吻', 133: '左太极', 134: '右太极', 135: '招财进宝', 136: '双喜', 137: '鞭炮', 138: '灯笼', 139: '发财',
140: 'K 歌', 141: '购物', 142: '邮件', 143: '帅', 144: '喝彩', 145: '祈祷', 146: '爆筋', 147: '棒棒糖', 148: '喝奶', 149: '下面',
150: '香蕉', 151: '飞机', 152: '开车', 153: '高铁左车头', 154: '车厢', 155: '高铁右车头', 156: '多云', 157: '下雨', 158: '钞票', 159: '熊猫',
160: '灯泡', 161: '风车', 162: '闹钟', 163: '打伞', 164: '彩球', 165: '钻戒', 166: '沙发', 167: '纸巾', 168: '药', 169: '手枪',
170: '青蛙', 171: '茶', 172: '眨眼睛', 173: '泪奔', 174: '无奈', 175: '卖萌', 176: '小纠结', 177: '喷血', 178: '斜眼笑', 179: 'Doge',
180: '惊喜', 181: '骚扰', 182: '笑哭', 183: '我最美', 184: '河蟹', 185: '羊驼', 186: '栗子', 187: '幽灵', 188: '蛋', 189: '马赛克',
190: '菊花', 191: '肥皂', 192: '红包', 193: '大笑', 194: '不开心', 195: '啊', 196: '惶恐', 197: '冷漠', 198: '呃', 199: '好棒',
200: '拜托', 201: '点赞', 202: '无聊', 203: '托脸', 204: '吃', 205: '送花', 206: '害怕', 207: '花痴', 208: '小样儿', 209: '脸红',
210: '飙泪', 211: '我不看', 212: '托腮', 213: '哇哦', 214: '啵啵', 215: '糊脸', 216: '拍头', 217: '扯一扯', 218: '舔一舔', 219: '蹭一蹭',
220: '拽炸天', 221: '顶呱呱', 222: '抱抱', 223: '暴击', 224: '开枪', 225: '撩一撩', 226: '拍桌', 227: '拍手', 228: '恭喜', 229: '干杯',
230: '嘲讽', 231: '哼', 232: '佛系', 233: '掐一掐', 234: '惊呆', 235: '颤抖', 236: '啃头', 237: '偷看', 238: '扇脸', 239: '原谅',
240: '喷脸', 241: '生日快乐',

* 去除接收訊息中的 CQ 碼(酷 Q 專用碼,包括表情、繪文字、相片等資料),將其換為「[表情名稱]」、「[图片]」等文字
* @param {string} Message 已解碼並轉為 UTF-8 之後的訊息
* @return {string} 去除 CQ 碼之後的文字
const parseMessage = (message) => {
let images = [];
let records = [];
let at = [];
let coords = {};

let text = message.replace(/\n/gu, '
').replace(/\[CQ:([^,]*?)\]/gu, '[CQ:$1,]').replace(/\[CQ:(.*?)((?:,).*?)\]/gu, (_, type, param) => {
let tmp;
let tmp1;
let tmp2;
let tmp3;
switch (type) {
case 'face':
// [CQ:face,id=13]
tmp = param.match(/(?:^|,)id=(.*?)(?:,|$)/u);
if (tmp && tmp[1]) {
return `[${faces[parseInt(tmp[1])]}]`;
} else {
return '[表情]';

case 'emoji':
// [CQ:emoji,id=128052]
tmp = param.match(/(?:^|,)id=(.*?)(?:,|$)/u);
if (tmp && tmp[1]) {
return String.fromCodePoint(tmp[1]);
} else {
return '[绘文字]';

case 'bface':
// [CQ:bface,p=10278,id=42452682486D91909B7A513B8BFBC3C6]
// TODO 取得表情內容
return '[原创表情]';

case 'sface':
// [CQ:sface,id=851970]
// TODO 取得表情內容
return '[小表情]';

case 'image':
// [CQ:image,file=0792531B8B74FE6F86B87ED6A3958779.png]
tmp = param.match(/(?:^|,)file=(.*?)(?:,|$)/u);
if (tmp && tmp[1]) {
return '[图片]';
} else {
return '[图片]';

case 'rich':
// 分享音樂 [CQ:rich,url=,text= 新宝島 BENI ]
// 協議不支援 [CQ:rich,text=QQ天气提示 升级QQ查看天气]
tmp1 = param.match(/(?:^|,)text=(.*?)(?:,|$)/u);
tmp2 = param.match(/(?:^|,)url=(.*?)(?:,|$)/u);
if (tmp2 && tmp2[1]) {
tmp = ['[分享]'];
if (tmp1 && tmp1[1]) {
return tmp.join('\n');
} else if (tmp2 && tmp2[1]) {
return tmp2[1];
} else {
return '[富文本]';

case 'record':
// 一般語音 [CQ:record,]
// 領取語音紅包 [CQ:record,,hb=true]
// 依據客户端之不同,可能是 silk,也可能是 amr
tmp = param.match(/(?:^|,)file=(.*?)(?:,|$)/u);
if (tmp && tmp[1]) {
return '[语音]';
} else {
return '[语音]';

case 'at':
// [CQ:at,qq=1145759243]
tmp = param.match(/(?:^|,)qq=(.*?)(?:,|$)/u);
if (tmp && tmp[1]) {
if (tmp[1] === 'all') {
return '@全体成员';
} else {
return `@${tmp[1]}`; // 只給出 QQ 號,至於應該 @ 什麼內容,讓使用者處理吧
} else {
return '[at]';

case 'share':
// [CQ:share,url=,title=三天之内,content=给生活找点乐子~,image=]
tmp = ['[分享]'];
tmp1 = param.match(/(?:^|,)title=(.*?)(?:,|$)/u);
tmp2 = param.match(/(?:^|,)content=(.*?)(?:,|$)/u);
tmp3 = param.match(/(?:^|,)url=(.*?)(?:,|$)/u);
if (tmp1 && tmp1[1]) {
if (tmp2 && tmp2[1]) {
if (tmp3 && tmp3[1]) {
return tmp.join('\n');

case 'hb':
// [CQ:hb,title=恭喜发财]
tmp = ['[红包]'];
tmp1 = param.match(/(?:^|,)title=(.*?)(?:,|$)/u);
if (tmp1 && tmp1[1]) {
return tmp.join('\n');

case 'sign':
// [CQ:sign,title=我过来签个到啦,image=]
tmp = ['[签到]'];
tmp1 = param.match(/(?:^|,)title=(.*?)(?:,|$)/u);
if (tmp1 && tmp1[1]) {
return tmp.join('\n');

case 'location':
// [CQ:location,lat=23.081961,lon=113.453941,title=大吉沙,content=广东省广州市黄埔区,style=1]
tmp = ['[位置]'];
tmp1 = param.match(/(?:^|,)title=(.*?)(?:,|$)/u);
tmp2 = param.match(/(?:^|,)content=(.*?)(?:,|$)/u);
tmp3 = param.match(/(?:^|,)lat=(.*?)(?:,|$)/u);
let tmp4 = param.match(/(?:^|,)lon=(.*?)(?:,|$)/u);
if (tmp1 && tmp1[1]) {
if (tmp2 && tmp2[1]) {
if (tmp3 && tmp3[1] && tmp4 && tmp4[1]) {
let incoords = { lat: Number(tmp3[1]), lon: Number(tmp4[1]) };
if (isInGoogle(incoords)) {
let wgs = gcj_wgs_bored(incoords, false);
let bd = gcj_bd(incoords, false);
coords.wgs = wgs;
coords.gcj = incoords; = bd;
// 非原始數據比原始數據多保留一位
wgs = coordsRound(wgs, 7);
bd = coordsRound(bd, 7);
tmp.push(`WGS-84: ${},${wgs.lon}`, `GCJ-02: ${},${incoords.lon}`, `BD-09: ${},${bd.lon}`);
} else {
coords.wgs = incoords;
tmp.push(`WGS-84: ${},${incoords.lon}`);
return tmp.join('\n');

case 'contact':
// 群邀請 [CQ:contact,id=609486016,type=group]
// 好友邀請 [CQ:contact,id=1145759243,type=qq]
tmp1 = param.match(/(?:^|,)id=(.*?)(?:,|$)/u);
tmp2 = param.match(/(?:^|,)type=(.*?)(?:,|$)/u);
if (tmp1 && tmp1[1] && tmp2 && tmp2[1] === 'group') {
tmp = ['[群邀请]'];
if (tmp1 && tmp1[1]) {
return tmp.join('\n');
} else if (tmp1 && tmp1[1] && tmp2 && tmp2[1] === 'qq') {
tmp = ['[好友邀请]'];
if (tmp1 && tmp1[1]) {
return tmp.join('\n');
} else {
return '[邀请]';

case 'music':
// 外鏈 [CQ:music,type=custom,url=,title=翅膀,content=我唱了一首歌,快来听听吧。,image=,audio=]
// 網易雲 [CQ:music,type=163,id=509842]
// QQ 音樂 [CQ:music,type=qq,id=200732275]
// 蝦米 [CQ:music,type=xiami,id=1769370187]
tmp = ['[分享音乐]'];
tmp1 = param.match(/(?:^|,)type=(.*?)(?:,|$)/u);
tmp2 = param.match(/(?:^|,)url=(.*?)(?:,|$)/u);
tmp3 = param.match(/(?:^|,)id=(.*?)(?:,|$)/u);
if (tmp1 && tmp1[1] === 'custom') {
if (tmp2 && tmp2[1]) {
} else if (tmp1 && tmp1[1] === '163') {
if (tmp3 && tmp3[1]) {
} else if (tmp1 && tmp1[1] === 'qq') {
if (tmp3 && tmp3[1]) {
} else if (tmp1 && tmp1[1] === 'xiami') {
if (tmp3 && tmp3[1]) {
return tmp.join('\n');

case 'rps':
// [CQ:rps,type=1]
tmp = ['[猜拳]'];
tmp1 = param.match(/(?:^|,)type=(.*?)(?:,|$)/u);
if (tmp1 && tmp1[1] === '1') {
} else if (tmp1 && tmp1[1] === '2') {
} else if (tmp1 && tmp1[1] === '3') {
return tmp.join('\n');

case 'dice':
// [CQ:dice,type=1]
tmp = ['[骰子]'];
tmp1 = param.match(/(?:^|,)type=(.*?)(?:,|$)/u);
if (tmp1 && tmp1[1]) {
return tmp.join('\n');

case 'shake':
// [CQ:shake]
// 戳一戳,即窗口抖动
return '[戳一戳]';

return '';
/gu, '\n');

// at 去重
let ats = [ Set(at)];

text = text.replace(/[/gu, '[').replace(/]/gu, ']').replace(/,/gu, ',').replace(/&/gu, '&');

return {
text: text,
extra: {
images: images,
records: records,
ats: ats,
coords: coords,
raw: message,

class QQBot extends EventEmitter {
class QQSocketApiBot extends EventEmitter {
constructor (options = {}) {
this._started = false;
Expand Down

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