Release 2.0.1
- IS_IMX-5_v2.0.1_b193_2024-02-27_233449
- IS_GPX-1_zephyr_v2.0.1_b417_2024-02-27_233634.encrypted
- EvalTool v2.0.1_2024-02-27
- (GPX) New GPX-1 multi-frequency (L1/L5) GNSS dual receiver with onboard RTK and GNSS compassing.
- (Eval) Added additional support to EvalTool to handle GPX DIDs
- (GPX) GPS output period is now configurable down to 100 ms while not running RTK and 500 ms while running RTK.
- (ALL) Adds additional fields to DID_MANUFACTURING_INFO which now includes a hardware Id and additional reserved bits
- (GPX) Adds support for storing manufacturing info into OTP memory
- (GPX) Adds the ability to use .fpk file extensions while updating GPX GNSS receivers.
- (IMX) NMEA GSV output message.
- (IMX) NMEA $ASCE output enable message created for more extensible NMEA output control.
- (GPX) Serial ports 1 now supported.
- (GPX) USB port now supported.
- (GPX) Adds "Firmware Packages" - Composite files which contains multiple firmware files for multiple devices, and a defining manifest which provides details about which devices to upgrade and in which order.
- (SDK) Adds support to the FirmwareUpdate API to support querying version information from downstream targets, as a first-class mechanism.
- (SDK) Added support for $ASCE requests in the NMEA protocol.
- (GPX) Added MCU temperature to DID_GPX_STATUS message
- (GPX) Added NMEA message output support.
- (GPX) Allow enabling/disabling of L1 or L5 bands on GPX.
- (SDK) Revised binary communications protocol as of release 2.0.0. Not backwards compatible with any 1.x release.
- (SDK) Implements new "standards compliant" MD5 digest algorythm, and consolidates usage across all modules (previous MD5 algo is retained for backwards compatibility).
- (GPX) Create enable GPX serial bridge loopback sys command for testing.
- (GPX) Add rx overrun and tx limited flags to GPX status.
- (SDK) DID_NMEA_BCAST_PERIOD matches the ASCII message $ASCE instead of the deprecated $ASCB.
- (SDK) Refactored InertialSenseSDK to build and be linked as a static library.
- (GPX) Switch RTCM3 raw data time sync to always sync w/ pseudorange.
- (SDK) DID_NMEA_BCAST_PERIOD now works with specified port.
- (GPX) Fixed firmware update issue where process slows or stalls in Windows OS while updating 3 or more devices simultaneously.
- (GPX) Fixed issue where GPX-IMX time synchronization and GPS velocity clamping caused sawtooth pattern in inertial position estimate.
- (EvalTool) Fixed firmware update file memory and recent list to work with update type selection (i.e. IMX-5, FwPkg, GPX-1, etc.).
- (GPX) (SN-4689) INS position saw-tooth pattern probably caused from GNSS position/velocity time synchronization error.
- (IMX-GPX) (SN-4872) Heading deviates slightly as a result of going in and out of GPX compassing fix.
- (GPX) Ser2 UART communications port is not yet supported.
- (GPX-RTK) RTK compassing known issues: (see [GPX_RTK_Compassing_Performance_Report_2024-2-27.pdf]( for details)
- (GPX-RTK) (SN-4871) Occasion RTK compassing loss of fix (dropout) during operation.
- (GPX-RTK) (SN-4844) Missing ephemeris data for various satellites.
- (GPX-RTK) (SN-4876) Missing L5 GPS raw observations. The expected L5 data is present for about 15 seconds and missing for 150-180 seconds.