UDP Echo Server Example Implementation in the RIOT Linux Native. The server echos back the received UDP data with a delay of 1 second.
Steps to execute and test.
- Copy the folders "udpechoserver" and "udptxrx" into the examples folder of the RIOT folder structure(cloned from https://github.com/RIOT-OS/RIOT, if copied somewhere else the Makefiles has to be adapted accordingly)
- Execute make in both the directories. The native executeables for linux will be built.#
- Create two tap devices with the command "RIOT/dist/tools/tapsetup/tapsetup -c 2"
- Execte first the "udpechoserver" using the command "make term PORT=tap0"
- Then execute the "udptxrx" also using the command "make term PORT=tap1" from inside "udptxrx" folder.
If the following steps are followed correctly then the "udptxrx" will start sending UDP packets which will be echoed back by the "udpechoserver" RIOT instance with a 1 second delay which will also be recieved and printed for verification by the "udptxrx" instance of the RIOT.