This Python package gives the pipeline used to process the MRI data obtained in the Individual Brain Charting Project. More info on the data can be found at IBC public protocols and IBC webpage .
Latest collection of raw data is available on OpenNeuro, data accession no.002685.
Latest collection of unthresholded statistical maps can be found on NeuroVault, id collection=6618.
Under the main working directory of this repository in your computer, run the following command in a command prompt:
pip install -e .
One can import the entire package with import ibc_public
or use specific parts of the package:
from ibc_public import utils_data
utils_data.make_surf_db(derivatives="/path/to/ibc/derivatives", mesh="fsaverage5")
These script make it possible to preprocess the data
- run topup distortion correction
- run motion correction
- run coregistration of the fMRI scans to the individual T1 image
- run spatial normalization of the data
- run a general linear model to obtain brain activity maps for the main contrasts of the experiment.
The core scripts are in the scripts
lunches the full analysis on fMRI data (pre-processing + GLM)
launches GLM analyses on the datasurface_based_analyses
launches surface extraction and registration with Freesurfer; it also projects fMRI data to the
runs glm analyses on the surfacedmri_preprocessing
(WIP) is for diffusion daat. It relies on dipy.anatomical mapping
(WIP) yields T1w, T2w and MWF surrogates from anatomical
yields some post-processing for retinotopic acquisitions (derivation of retinotopic representations from fMRI maps)
Dependencies are :
- FSL (topup)
- SPM12 for preprocessing
- Freesurfer for surface-based analysis
- Nipype to call SPM12 functions
- Pypreprocess to generate preprocessing reports
- Nilearn for various functions
- Nistats to run general Linear models.
The scripts have been used with the following versions of software and environment:
- Python 3.5
- Ubuntu 16.04
- Nipype v0.14.0
- Pypreprocess
- FSL v5.0.9
- SPM12 rev 7219
- Nilearn v0.4.0
- Nistats v0.0.1.a
- More high-level analyses scripts
- Scripts for additional datasets not yet available
- scripts for surface-based analysis
Please feel free to report any issue and propose improvements on Github.
Licensed under simplified BSD.
- Bertrand Thirion, 2017 - present
- Ana Luísa Pinho, 2017 - present
- Juan Jesús Torre, 2018 - 2020
- Swetha Shankar, 2019 - present
- Alexis Thual, 2020 - present