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npm i passport-paseto


LocalPasetoStrategy (symmetric key)

const app = fastify();
// Must have due to @fastify/passport depends on @fastify/flash
app.register(fastifySession, {
  secret: "secret with minimum length of 32 characters",

const key = await V3.generateKey("local");
const token = await V3.encrypt(
    username: "test",
    expiresIn: "99999999s",

  new LocalPasetoStrategy(
      getToken: fromAuthBearer(),
      version: "V3",
    (payload, done) => {
      done(null, { username: "username_test" });

    preValidation: fastifyPassport.authenticate("local-paseto", {
      authInfo: false,
      session: false,
  async function (req, reply) {


LocalPasetoStrategy(options: LocalPasetoStrategyOptions, verify);


  • key: <KeyObject> The secret key to decrypt with. Alternatively a 'k3.local.[data]' PASERK string or any input that works for crypto.createSecretKey().
  • passReqToCallback: <boolean> default false.
  • getToken: <Function> (...args) => (req) => string
    • fromHeader: extract token from header default X-Paseto-Token.
    • fromAuthBearer: extract token from Authorization Bearer.
    • fromAuthScheme: extract token from Authorization, e.g. Basic, Digest ...
    • fromBody: extract token from request body.
    • fromQuery: extract token from request query.
  • version:V1 | V3
  • consumeOptions: <Object>
    • assertion: <string> | <Buffer> PASETO Implicit Assertion
    • audience: <string> Expected audience value. An exact match must be found in the payload.
    • clockTolerance: <string> Clock Tolerance for comparing timestamps, provided as timespan string e.g. 120s, 2 minutes, etc. Default: no clock tolerance
    • complete: <Boolean> When false only the parsed payload is returned, otherwise an object with a parsed payload and footer (as a Buffer) will be returned. Default: 'false'
    • ignoreExp: <Boolean> When true will not be validating the "exp" claim value to be in the future from now. Default: 'false'
    • ignoreIat: <Boolean> When true will not be validating the "iat" claim value to be in the past from now. Default: 'false'
    • ignoreNbf: <Boolean> When true will not be validating the "nbf" claim value to be in the past from now. Default: 'false'
    • issuer: <string> Expected issuer value. An exact match must be found in the payload.
    • maxTokenAge: <string> When provided the payload is checked to have the "iat" claim and its value is validated not to be older than the provided timespan string e.g. 30m, 24 hours.
    • now: <Date> Date object to be used instead of the current unix epoch timestamp. Default: 'new Date()'
    • subject: <string> Expected subject value. An exact match must be found in the payload.

Verify callback ([req], payload, next) => void

PublicPasetoStrategy(options: PublicPasetoStrategyOptions, verify)


  • version:V1 | V2 | V3 | V4
const fastifyPassport = require("@fastify/passport");
const { LocalPasetoStrategy, fromAuthBearer } = require("passport-paseto");
const { V3 } = require("paseto");

const { secretKey, publicKey } = await V3.generateKey("public", {
  format: "paserk",

const token = await V3.sign(
    username: "test",
    expiresIn: "99999999s",

  new PublicPasetoStrategy(
      getToken: fromAuthBearer(),
      version: "V3", //default V4
    (payload, done) => {
      done(null, { username: "username_test" });

    preValidation: fastifyPassport.authenticate("public-paseto", {
      authInfo: false,
      session: false,
  async function (req, reply) {



npm i
npm test

Nota Bene

Only test with Fastify.