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React Native Typescript Boilerplate & Demo

Small React Native project that integrates Typescript, Redux & ImmutableJS, Jest


  • Typescript integration, w/ strong compiler checks
  • Redux integration
  • Hot reloading working
  • ImmutableJS integration (redux state as Immutable Record)
  • Jest (preconfigured for typescript)
  • Redux observable for action observables
  • Redux remote devtools integration
  • Example of communication between React Native & Android Native app
  • Codepush integration (Android example only)

Quick Demo:


Getting Started

Clone this repository:

git clone
cd react-native-demo

Install dependencies:

npm install

Start React Native server (launches react native packager on port 8081 and Typescript compiler in watch mode:

npm start

Launch IOS/Android:

npm start ios
npm start android


  • React Native Debugger (recommended): You can have access to all redux devtools & inspection by running the native react-native-debugger application
    1. Install package for your OS of choice
    2. Launch app and enable remote JS debugger in the React Native options
    3. Launch debugger
  • Via chrome: on http://localhost:8081/debugger-ui

Upgrading React Native

To upgrade react-native to the latest version, use the package react-native-git-upgrade

  1. Install globally (locally doesn't work): npm install -g react-native-git-upgrade
  2. run react-native-git-upgrade on the root app folder


Based on mrpatiwi/ReactNativeTS as starting point.