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Support Module:format_status/2
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Brujo Benavides committed Jul 16, 2018
1 parent fc76991 commit 5063f06
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Showing 3 changed files with 53 additions and 17 deletions.
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions src/wpool_process.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
, handle_cast/2
, handle_info/2
, handle_continue/2
, format_status/2

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,6 +142,20 @@ handle_continue(Continue, State) ->
{stop, Reason, State#state{state = NewState}}

%% @private
-spec format_status(normal | terminate, [[{_, _}] | state(), ...]) -> term().
format_status(Opt, [PDict, State]) ->
case erlang:function_exported(State#state.mod, format_status, 2) of
false ->
case Opt of % This is copied from gen_server:format_status/4
terminate -> State#state.state;
normal -> [{data, [{"State", State#state.state}]}]
true ->
fun() -> (State#state.mod):format_status(Opt, [PDict, State#state.state]) end)

%%% real (i.e. interesting) callbacks
Expand Down
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions test/echo_server.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
, handle_cast/2
, handle_info/2
, handle_continue/2
, format_status/2

Expand All @@ -49,9 +50,11 @@ handle_info(Info, _State) -> Info.
handle_cast(Cast, _State) -> Cast.

-type from() :: {pid(), reference()}.
-spec handle_call(state | Call, from(), State) -> {reply, State, State} | Call.
handle_call(state, _From, State) -> {reply, State, State};
-spec handle_call(Call, from(), term()) -> Call.
handle_call(Call, _From, _State) -> Call.

-spec handle_continue(Continue, term()) -> Continue.
handle_continue(Continue, _State) -> Continue.

-spec format_status(normal | terminate, [[{_, _}] | State, ...]) -> {formatted_state, State}.
format_status(_, [_PDict, State]) -> {formatted_state, State}.
48 changes: 33 additions & 15 deletions test/wpool_process_SUITE.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
, cast/1
, call/1
, continue/1
, no_format_status/1
, stop/1
-export([ pool_restart_crash/1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ init_timeout(_Config) ->
{ok, Pid} =
wpool_process:start_link(?MODULE, echo_server, {ok, state, 0}, []),
timeout = wpool_process:call(?MODULE, state, 5000),
timeout = get_state(?MODULE),
Pid ! {stop, normal, state},
false = erlang:is_process_alive(Pid),
Expand All @@ -91,10 +92,10 @@ init_timeout(_Config) ->
info(_Config) ->
{ok, Pid} = wpool_process:start_link(?MODULE, echo_server, {ok, state}, []),
Pid ! {noreply, newstate},
newstate = wpool_process:call(?MODULE, state, 5000),
newstate = get_state(?MODULE),
Pid ! {noreply, newerstate, 1},
timeout = wpool_process:call(?MODULE, state, 5000),
timeout = get_state(?MODULE),
Pid ! {stop, normal, state},
false = erlang:is_process_alive(Pid),
Expand All @@ -105,10 +106,10 @@ info(_Config) ->
cast(_Config) ->
{ok, Pid} = wpool_process:start_link(?MODULE, echo_server, {ok, state}, []),
wpool_process:cast(Pid, {noreply, newstate}),
newstate = wpool_process:call(?MODULE, state, 5000),
newstate = get_state(?MODULE),
wpool_process:cast(Pid, {noreply, newerstate, 0}),
timeout = wpool_process:call(?MODULE, state, 5000),
timeout = get_state(?MODULE),
wpool_process:cast(Pid, {stop, normal, state}),
false = erlang:is_process_alive(Pid),
Expand All @@ -122,44 +123,44 @@ continue(_Config) ->
{ok, Pid} =
?MODULE, echo_server, {ok, state, {continue, C(continue_state)}}, []),
continue_state = wpool_process:call(?MODULE, state, 5000),
continue_state = get_state(Pid),

%% handle_call/3 returns {continue, ...}
ok = wpool_process:call(Pid, {reply, ok, state, {continue, C(continue_state_2)}}, 5000),
continue_state_2 = wpool_process:call(?MODULE, state, 5000),
continue_state_2 = get_state(Pid),
try wpool_process:call(Pid, {noreply, state, {continue, C(continue_state_3)}}, 100) of
Result -> ct:fail("Unexpected Result: ~p", [Result])
_:{timeout, _} ->
continue_state_3 = wpool_process:call(?MODULE, state, 5000)
continue_state_3 = get_state(Pid)

%% handle_cast/2 returns {continue, ...}
wpool_process:cast(Pid, {noreply, state, {continue, C(continue_state_4)}}),
continue_state_4 = wpool_process:call(?MODULE, state, 5000),
continue_state_4 = get_state(Pid),

%% handle_continue/2 returns {continue, ...}
SecondContinueResponse = C(continue_state_5),
FirstContinueResponse = {noreply, another_state, {continue, SecondContinueResponse}},
CastResponse = {noreply, state, {continue, FirstContinueResponse}},
wpool_process:cast(Pid, CastResponse),
continue_state_5 = wpool_process:call(?MODULE, state, 5000),
continue_state_5 = get_state(Pid),

%% handle_info/2 returns {continue, ...}
Pid ! {noreply, state, {continue, C(continue_state_6)}},
continue_state_6 = wpool_process:call(?MODULE, state, 5000),
continue_state_6 = get_state(Pid),

%% handle_continue/2 returns {continue, ...}
SecondContinueResponse = C(continue_state_5),
FirstContinueResponse = {noreply, another_state, {continue, SecondContinueResponse}},
CastResponse = {noreply, state, {continue, FirstContinueResponse}},
wpool_process:cast(Pid, CastResponse),
continue_state_5 = wpool_process:call(?MODULE, state, 5000),
continue_state_5 = get_state(Pid),

%% handle_continue/2 returns timeout = 0
wpool_process:cast(Pid, {noreply, state, {continue, {noreply, continue_state_7, 0}}}),
timeout = wpool_process:call(?MODULE, state, 5000),
timeout = get_state(Pid),

%% handle_continue/2 returns {stop, normal, state}
wpool_process:cast(Pid, {noreply, state, {continue, {stop, normal, state}}}),
Expand All @@ -168,14 +169,24 @@ continue(_Config) ->

{comment, []}.

-spec no_format_status(config()) -> {comment, []}.
no_format_status(_Config) ->
%% crashy_server doesn't implement format_status/2
{ok, Pid} = wpool_process:start_link(?MODULE, crashy_server, state, []),
%% therefore it uses the default format for the stauts (but with the status of the gen_server,
%% not wpool_process)
{status, Pid, {module, gen_server}, SItems} = sys:get_status(Pid),
[state] = [S || SItemList = [_|_] <- SItems, {data, Data} <- SItemList, {"State", S} <- Data],
{comment, []}.

-spec call(config()) -> {comment, []}.
call(_Config) ->
{ok, Pid} = wpool_process:start_link(?MODULE, echo_server, {ok, state}, []),
ok1 = wpool_process:call(Pid, {reply, ok1, newstate}, 5000),
newstate = wpool_process:call(?MODULE, state, 5000),
newstate = get_state(?MODULE),
ok2 = wpool_process:call(Pid, {reply, ok2, newerstate, 1}, 5000),
timeout = wpool_process:call(?MODULE, state, 5000),
timeout = get_state(?MODULE),
ok3 = wpool_process:call(Pid, {stop, normal, ok3, state}, 5000),
false = erlang:is_process_alive(Pid),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -294,3 +305,10 @@ complete_coverage(_Config) ->
{error, bad} = wpool_process:code_change("oldvsn", State, bad),

{comment, []}.

get_state(Atom) when is_atom(Atom) ->
get_state(Pid) ->
{status, Pid, {module, gen_server}, SItems} = sys:get_status(Pid),
[State] = [S || SItemList = [_|_] <- SItems, {formatted_state, S} <- SItemList],

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