This is an example of REST API testing using Rest Assured.
System Under Test (SUT): Swagger Pet Store - The service is provided as a training ground for API testing. The data for creating pet entities is generated randomly.
List of some tools and libraries used:
- Maven
- Rest Assured
- Allure-Junit5
- AssertJ
- Javafaker
- Jenkins
NOTE: Some API test results may and will occur as failed. That's an expected behavior caused by the SUT implementation inconsistencies.
Before running tests make sure you have installed:
- JDK 11:
- Maven 3.6.3 and above:
- [Optional] Allure 2.15.0 and above to manually generate reports. See
for installation guidance
Project URL:
For example, you may load the project using the command line:
git clone [email protected]:in7hesky/java-rest-assured-automation.git
As soon as project is loaded, go to the root directory and perform a command:
mvn clean test
That will run all the tests concurrently and generate the report data. If you wish to run a particular test class you may use:
mvn clean test -Dtest="PetDeletionTest"
Note that the name of a class is used, not the path.
The report data always appear after running tests. It's located in /target/allure-results/
You may generate a report using:
allure serve target/allure-results
NOTE: If you want to change the default report data path, you can configure
file located in
You may also use the Jenkinsfile
located in the root directory to rapidly build a demo pipeline to see tests runs
and their results as Allure reports.
Make sure you have the "Allure" Jenkins plugin installed!
Refer to in case you want to find out more
about Jenkinsfile