New Features
Get current window handle.
Get all window handles.
Change focus to another window.
Get the current page/window title.
Close the current window.
Add support for ID locator strategy.
Get location and size of a certain element.
Check if an element is visible on the screen.
Get tag name of a certain element.
Get location and size of a certain window.
Check if an element is enabled.
Check if an element is selected.
Get attribute values of an element.
Add support for tag name locator strategy.
Add support for drag & drop
Add support for double click.
Add support for clearing text.
Add support for scrolling into view.
Highlight elements that match search criteria. (overlay)
Visualize the target before clicking an element.
Implement implicit wait.
Implement getting active element and comparing two elements.
Introduce a configurable delay between keystrokes.
Bug Fixes
Modern apps are not in the list of top-level windows
Indefinite loop while dumping Twitter sign-in page.
Backup states (if necessary) even if the app cap is not provided.
Move the mouse pointer more smoothly.
Set value by sending keystrokes.
You can’t perform that action at this time.