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reduce memory usage of Scope.t
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tatchi committed Oct 10, 2024
1 parent 036c108 commit 09ca2dd
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Showing 3 changed files with 98 additions and 20 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/client-ocurl/
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Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ let gc_metrics = AList.make ()
module Self_trace = struct
let enabled = Atomic.make true

let add_event (scope : Scope.t) ev = <- ev ::
let add_event (scope : Scope.t) ev = Scope.add_event scope (fun () -> ev)

let dummy_trace_id_ = Trace_id.create ()

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105 changes: 91 additions & 14 deletions src/core/
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Expand Up @@ -800,18 +800,93 @@ end
A scope is a trace ID and the span ID of the currently active span.
module Scope = struct
module Scope : sig
type item_list

type t = {
trace_id: Trace_id.t;
span_id: Span_id.t;
mutable items: item_list;

val attrs : t -> key_value list

val events : t -> Event.t list

val links : t -> Span_link.t list

val make :
trace_id:Trace_id.t ->
span_id:Span_id.t ->
?events:Event.t list ->
?attrs:key_value list ->
?links:Span_link.t list ->
unit ->

val to_span_ctx : t -> Span_ctx.t

val add_event : t -> (unit -> Event.t) -> unit

val record_exception : t -> exn -> Printexc.raw_backtrace -> unit

val add_attrs : t -> (unit -> key_value list) -> unit

val add_links : t -> (unit -> Span_link.t list) -> unit

val ambient_scope_key : t Ambient_context.key

val get_ambient_scope : ?scope:t -> unit -> t option

val with_ambient_scope : t -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
end = struct
type item_list =
| Nil
| Ev of Event.t * item_list
| Attr of key_value * item_list
| Span_link of Span_link.t * item_list

type t = {
trace_id: Trace_id.t;
span_id: Span_id.t;
mutable events: Event.t list;
mutable attrs: key_value list;
mutable links: Span_link.t list;
mutable items: item_list;

let attrs scope =
let rec loop acc = function
| Nil -> acc
| Attr (attr, l) -> loop (attr :: acc) l
| Ev (_, l) | Span_link (_, l) -> loop acc l
loop [] scope.items

let events scope =
let rec loop acc = function
| Nil -> acc
| Ev (event, l) -> loop (event :: acc) l
| Attr (_, l) | Span_link (_, l) -> loop acc l
loop [] scope.items

let links scope =
let rec loop acc = function
| Nil -> acc
| Span_link (span_link, l) -> loop (span_link :: acc) l
| Ev (_, l) | Attr (_, l) -> loop acc l
loop [] scope.items

let make ~trace_id ~span_id ?(events = []) ?(attrs = []) ?(links = []) () : t
{ trace_id; span_id; events; attrs; links }
let items =
let items = List.fold_left (fun acc ev -> Ev (ev, acc)) Nil events in
let items =
List.fold_left (fun acc attr -> Attr (attr, acc)) items attrs
List.fold_left (fun acc link -> Span_link (link, acc)) items links

{ trace_id; span_id; items }

(** Turn the scope into a span context *)
let[@inline] to_span_ctx (self : t) : Span_ctx.t =
Expand All @@ -822,7 +897,7 @@ module Scope = struct
Note that this takes a function that produces an event, and will only
call it if there is an instrumentation backend. *)
let[@inline] add_event (scope : t) (ev : unit -> Event.t) : unit =
if Collector.has_backend () then <- ev () ::
if Collector.has_backend () then scope.items <- Ev (ev (), scope.items)

let[@inline] record_exception (scope : t) (exn : exn)
(bt : Printexc.raw_backtrace) : unit =
Expand All @@ -836,7 +911,7 @@ module Scope = struct
"stacktrace", `String (Printexc.raw_backtrace_to_string bt);
in <- ev ::
scope.items <- Ev (ev, scope.items)

(** Add attributes to the scope. It will be aggregated into the span.
Expand All @@ -845,15 +920,19 @@ module Scope = struct
call it if there is an instrumentation backend. *)
let[@inline] add_attrs (scope : t) (attrs : unit -> key_value list) : unit =
if Collector.has_backend () then
scope.attrs <- List.rev_append (attrs ()) scope.attrs
scope.items <-
List.fold_left (fun acc attr -> Attr (attr, acc)) scope.items (attrs ())

(** Add links to the scope. It will be aggregated into the span.
Note that this takes a function that produces links, and will only
call it if there is an instrumentation backend. *)
let[@inline] add_links (scope : t) (links : unit -> Span_link.t list) : unit =
if Collector.has_backend () then
scope.links <- List.rev_append (links ()) scope.links
scope.items <-
(fun acc link -> Span_link (link, acc))
scope.items (links ())

(** The opaque key necessary to access/set the ambient scope with
{!Ambient_context}. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1018,9 +1097,7 @@ module Trace = struct
type scope = Scope.t = {
trace_id: Trace_id.t;
span_id: Span_id.t;
mutable events: Event.t list;
mutable attrs: Span.key_value list;
mutable links: Span_link.t list;
mutable items: Scope.item_list;
[@@deprecated "use Scope.t"]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1069,8 +1146,8 @@ module Trace = struct
(* TODO: should the attrs passed to with_ go on the Span
(in Span.create) or on the ResourceSpan (in emit)?
(question also applies to Opentelemetry_lwt.Trace.with) *)
Span.create ?kind ~trace_id ?parent ~links:scope.links ~id:span_id
?trace_state ~attrs:scope.attrs ~start_time
Span.create ?kind ~trace_id ?parent ~links ~id:span_id ?trace_state
~attrs ~events:[] ~start_time
~end_time:(Timestamp_ns.now_unix_ns ())
~status name
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11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions src/trace/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -145,10 +145,10 @@ module Internal = struct
{ start_time; name; __FILE__; __LINE__; __FUNCTION__; scope; parent } =
let open Otel in
let end_time = Timestamp_ns.now_unix_ns () in
let kind, attrs = otel_attrs_of_otrace_data scope.attrs in
let kind, attrs = otel_attrs_of_otrace_data (Scope.attrs scope) in

let status : Span.status =
match List.assoc_opt Well_known.status_error_key scope.attrs with
match List.assoc_opt Well_known.status_error_key attrs with
| Some (`String message) -> { message; code = Span.Status_code_error }
| _ -> { message = ""; code = Span.Status_code_ok }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,7 +176,8 @@ module Internal = struct

let parent_id = Otel.Span_ctx.parent_id parent in
Span.create ~kind ~trace_id:scope.trace_id ?parent:parent_id ~status
~id:scope.span_id ~start_time ~end_time ~attrs name
~id:scope.span_id ~start_time ~end_time ~attrs
~events:( scope) name
|> fst

let exit_span' otrace_id otel_span_begin =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -247,13 +248,13 @@ module Internal = struct
let active_spans = Active_spans.get () in
match Active_span_tbl.find_opt active_spans.tbl otrace_id with
| None -> !on_internal_error (spf "no active span with ID %Ld" otrace_id)
| Some sb -> sb.scope.attrs <- List.rev_append data sb.scope.attrs
| Some sb -> Otel.Scope.add_attrs sb.scope (fun () -> data)

let add_data_to_manual_span (span : Otrace.explicit_span) data : unit =
match Otrace.Meta_map.find_exn k_explicit_scope span.meta with
| exception _ ->
!on_internal_error (spf "manual span does not a contain an OTEL scope")
| scope -> scope.attrs <- List.rev_append data scope.attrs
| scope -> Otel.Scope.add_attrs scope (fun () -> data)

let message ?span ~data:_ msg : unit =
(* gather information from context *)
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