Version 301.0.0
Updates to PTSL version 3 / Pro Tools 2023.9. Also working with Pro Tools 2024.3 but your mileage may vary, please report any bugs you notice by filing an issue report!
Python 3.12 added to the lint and test matrix.
What's Changed
- Noerw/master by @iluvcapra in #29
- Initial support for new commands added in 2023.9 by @noerw in #24
- Stephen machete/master by @iluvcapra in #30
- Even more functionality by @StephenMachete in #27
- Update use of page_limit to pagination_request by @annaglyph in #28
- Update lint_and_pytest.yml by @iluvcapra in #31
New Contributors
- @noerw made their first contribution in #24
- @StephenMachete made their first contribution in #27
- @annaglyph made their first contribution in #28
Full Changelog: v101.1.0...v301.0.0