Functionality Given some hosts in the configured HostsFile :
Ping command: ping -n 5 HOST
We should constantly ping these hosts. It should be scheduled with a given delay (the delay should be configured) we do the ping command. The ping command should be configured, and the HOST is the dynamic part. If a current ping is still runs for a given host, then we do nothing, an another scheduled run will occur. We have to store the last icmp ping result for the given host and when it happened. The result should contain the lines received from command. The hosts should be checked parallel. If we have connection timeout during ping or any error (lets say the pockets sent and received do not match, or the packet loss is not 0) then we call the Report functionality for the given host (see below).
We should constantly ping these addresses. It should be scheduled with a given delay (the delay should be configured) we do HTTP request with timeout (the timeout should be configured) to the given url. The request can be anything which do the given job. If a current request still runs for a given url, then we do nothing, an another scheduled run will occur. We have to store the last tcp ping result for the given host and when it happened. This result should contain which url, and how much was the response time (milliseconds) and what was the response http status. The addresses should be checked parallel.
If we have connection timeout, or host not reachable, or the response time was above a defined value, (the value should be configured) during ping then we call the Report functionality for the given host (see below).
We should constantly trace route these hosts. It should be scheduled, and with a given delay (the delay should be configured) we do a tracert HOST. The trace command should be configured, and the HOST is the dynamic part. If a current trace route is still runs for a given host, then we do nothing, an another scheduled run will occur. We have to store the last trace route result for the given host and when it happened. The result should contain the lines received from command.
The hosts should be checked parallel.
Calling the report we have to send data with POST to a given url (the url should be configured) in json format. The POST body should have the json value. The data should contain 4 parts for the reporting host: the host, last icmp ping result for the host, last tcp ping result for the host, last trace route result for the host. Example structure: {"host":"the given host", "icmp_ping":"result lines of the last icmp ping command","tcp_ping":"result lines of the last tcp ping command", "trace":"result lines of the last trace command"}
We have to log these reports too. The log should go into the local file, and the log should be able to configured. The log level should be warning.
We'd like to check the user connections - status, time to the given host.
Java version: 1.8 Use Threads for parallel jobs. The program should run on windows or/and on linux. It's not determined but should run at least on one of it. Maven project Runnable big jar file with dependency (libs if any) embedded. Use core java, no frameworks. Unit tests
This project has been developed using maven. So in order to compile run for example mvn clean install ; also you can use -DskipTest to avoid running the tests.
The jar can be run as :
java -jar .\SimplePing\target\SimplePing-1.0.jar -n 5 -hf .\HostLst.txt -d 10000
or run simply the jar to know the parameters:
java -jar .\SimplePing\target\SimplePing-1.0.jar
TODO: Put the execute command into a bash file (.bat or .sh) to run it dynamically or to set it as a base command. For example:
java -jar jobs/SimplePing-1.0.jar $1