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GLSL like minimalist vector, matrix and quaternion math library for C++11


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GML (recursive acronym for "GML math library") is a GLSL like minimalist vector, matrix and quaternion math library for C++11.

It's API is modeled closely after GLSL and is thus easy to use in OpenGL programs. It provides most of the GLSL functionality plus some extra.

This library should not be confused with glm or with Boost qvm.


This is a header only template library. Just make sure that the "gml" directory is in the include path and include gml.hpp.

#include <gml/gml.hpp>

Use Doxygen to generate full API documentation. Doxyfile is provided.


There are only three class templates vec (a vector), mat (a matrix) and quaternion (a quaternion).

All gml types and functions are defined under name space gml (of which examples in this document omit).

Although vector and matrix sizes can be anything this library is meant to be used with small vectors and matrices (2-4 columns/rows).

For optimal performance you may wish to compile with -O3 -ffast-math -DNODEBUG.


The vec template looks a bit like std::array.

template <typename T, int N> class vec;

Where T is the type of a single component and N is the number of components.

GLSL-like type aliases for common types are provided. They are named TvecN where T is i for int, d for double, u for unsigned, b for bool and non-existent for float. N is 2, 3 or 4.

For example:

vec3 = vec<float, 3>
ivec4 = vec<int, 4>
uvec2 = vec<unsigned, 2>

Common constructors:

vec3 a{};  // All zeros
vec3 b{1.0f}; // All ones
vec3 c{1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f}; // Vector (1, 2, 3)
vec4 e{a, 1.0f}; // Copy a and add 1 as the last component.
vec2 f{a}; // Copy a but drop the last component
vec3 g{1.0f, 2.0f}; // ERROR: Will not compile. Invalid number of arguments.

Use the operator[] to reference the components and data() to get a pointer to the first component. Vectors are also iterable.

Component-wise arithmetic operators *, /, - and + between vectors of same size and between scalars and vectors are provided.

Most vector operations from GLSL such as dot and cross are also provided.

There are no GLSL-like swizzle operations.


The mat template works a bit like nested std::array.

template <typename T, int C, int R> class mat;

Where T is the type of a single component, C is the number of columns and R is the number of rows.

GLSL-like type aliases for common matrix types are provided. They are named TmatCxR where T is same as for vec. C and R are 2, 3, or 4. When C equals R a shorter alias TmatC is also available.

For example:

imat4x3 = mat<int, 4, 3>
mat4 = mat<float, 4, 4>

Common constructors:

mat4 a{}; // All zeros
mat4 b{1.0f}; // 1 at the diagonal and 0 elsewhere. (Identity matrix)
const float data[6] = {1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f, 5.0f, 6.0f};
mat2x3 c{data, true}; // Matrix with columns (1, 2, 3) and (4, 5, 6).
imat2 d{ivec2{1, 2}, ivec2{3, 4}}; // Matrix with column vectors (1, 2) and (3, 4)
mat3 e{a}; // Copy a and drop last row and column.

Each column in the matrix is a vector with R components. Use operator[] to reference the columns. Use data() to get pointer to the first component of the first column. Method size returns the number of columns (the largest value that can be given to operator[]).

Note: Matrices store data in column major order! Matrices can be iterated, but they iterate columns not components.

mat3 m{};
m[0] = vec3{1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f}; // Set first column to (1,2,3)
m[2][0] = 10.0f;  // Set first component of last column to 10.

Arithmetic operators *, /, - and + are provided. Note that the multiplication is the matrix multiplication and not done component-wise. matrixCompMult can be used to do component wise multiplication.

Most matrix operation function from GLSL are provided such as inverse, transpose and determinant.

Replacements for the (deprecated) OpenGL and GLU matrix generation functions are provided. They have the same names as OpenGL counter parts, but without any prefix or suffix and they return the matrices they generate: translate, rotate, scale, perspective, ortho, lookAt.

To transform a 3-vector v with 4x4 matrix M you need to add 1 as the last component, multiply with the matrix and then drop the last component.

vec3 result{M * vec4{v, 1.0f}};

A more convenient (and more efficient) function transform is provided to do this.

vec3 result = transform(M, v);


Even though GLSL has no quaternions, they are provided for their usefulness. The quaternion template is modeled after std::complex except that the imaginary part is a 3-vector.

template <typename T> class quaternion;

Where T is the type of a single component.

GLSL-like type aliases are provided in the form of Tquat. Where T the same as for vec and mat.

quat = quaternion<float>
dquat = quaternion<double>

Common constructors:

quat a{}; // All zero
quat b{1.0f}; // 1 as real part and zero imaginary (Identity quaternion)
quat c{1.0f, vec3{2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f}}; // Quaternion with 1 as real and (2,3,4) as imaginary part

Use public members real and imag to access data.

quat q{};
q.real = 5.0f; // Set real part to 5
q.imag = vec3{1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f}; // Set imaginary part to (1,2,3)

All arithmetic operations between quaternions, quaternions and scalars and quaternions and 3-vectors are provided. Scalar is interpreted as the real part and 3-vector as the imaginary part.

std::complex like operations are provided such as conj and inverse.

Quaternions are used for presenting orientation or rotation in 3d space (just like rotation matrices). Use qrotate to generate a rotation quaternion.

// 90dec rotation around x axis.
auto rotation = qrotate(radians(90.0f), vec3{1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f});

You can multiply quaternion and vector, but this does not rotate the vector (like in the case of a rotation matrix). The vector in this case is interpreted as the imaginary part of a quaternion having a zero as real part.

To rotate a vector v with quaternion q calculate q*v*conj(q) and use the imaginary part as the rotated vector. Overload for the transform function is provided to do this more efficiently.

vec3 result = transform(q, v);


A fairly good fuzz tester is provided with the library. It's in the test.cpp and should be run when ever making changes to the library.


GLSL like minimalist vector, matrix and quaternion math library for C++11







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