A Google Apps Script Twilio helper library. Based on the twilio-node library.
Currently only RestClient and TwimlRepsonse modules have been adapted. Further work is needed to adpat the Capability module, as it depends on node-jwt-simple which also needs to be adapted to Apps Script.
Contributions are welcomed !
! Caution Alpha Work !
- Underscore for GAS
- querystring-gas
Create a Google apps script library and include the *.gs
files from this repo
Here's how to create a library in Google Apps Script
Here's how to use a library.
if you experience any issues with this project key. First ensure your using the last version of the library. Otherwise feel free to report your bug in the issues section.
var account_sid = 'ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
var auth_token = 'yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy';
var client = new twiliogas.RestClient(account_sid, auth_token);
// DO STUFF...
to:'+16515556677', // Any number Twilio can deliver to
from: '+14506667788', // A number you bought from Twilio and can use for outbound communication
body: 'word to your mother.' // body of the SMS message
from: '+14506667788',
url: 'http://www.example.com/twiml.php' // A URL that produces an XML document (TwiML) which contains instructions for the call
}, function(err, responseData) {
//executed when the call has been initiated.
Logger.log(responseData.from); // outputs "+14506667788"
var resp = new twiliogas.TwimlResponse();
resp.say('Welcome to Acme Customer Service!')
}, function() {
this.say('Press 1 for customer service')
.say('Press 2 for British customer service', { language:'en-gb' });
Will output :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Say>Welcome to Acme Customer Service!</Say>
<Gather action="http://www.example.com/callFinished.php" finishOnKey="*">
<Say>Press 1 for customer service.</Say>
<Say language="en-gb">Press 2 for British customer service.</Say>
Or through ContentService deploying your script as a webapp :
function doGet() {
var resp = new twiliogas.TwimlResponse();
resp.say('Welcome to Twilio!');
resp.say('Please let us know if we can help during your development.', {
return ContentService.createTextOutput(resp.toString()).setMimeType(ContentService.MimeType.XML)
In your Google Apps Script editor :
var twilioNumber = '+12345678900'; // your twilio phone number
var myPhoneNumber = '+12345678911'; // your phone number
var myFriendNumber = '+12345678922'; // your friend phone number
function startCall() {
var client = new twiliogas.RestClient('TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID', 'TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN');
from: twilioNumber,
to: myPhoneNumber,
url: ScriptApp.getService().getUrl()
function doPost() {
var resp = new twiliogas.TwimlResponse();
resp.say('Google Apps Script will now connect you to your friend.');
return ContentService.createTextOutput(resp.toString()).setMimeType(ContentService.MimeType.XML)
Next, deploy your script as a webapp. Set :
- "Execute the app as" to "me ([email protected])"
- "Who can acces to the app" to "Anyone, even anonymous"
Then execute "startCall" function.
Don't forget to deploy the latest version of your work evry time you want to test against Twilio's api.
For more detailed examples you have the twilio-node documentation.
- testing
- adapt validateRequest() function
- adapt node-jwt-simple
- adapt Capability Token Generator